Warriors // Ch.7

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Warriors by Imagine Dragons
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"We are the warriors that built this town from dust!"
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   "Dark energon?!" You asked incredulously. You stared fearfully at the cube, all different kinds of horrible scenarios flying through your processor.

   "You are more than a fool, Starscream!" Knockout growled at the seeker in front of the cube on the table. "I think your neural cluster has blown a massive fuse!"

   "Oh, on the contrary, my dear princess and doctor. Adding Dark Energon to the formula should provide Lord Megatron with full control over his super-soldier." The skinny mech explained slyly.

   "Okay, true that the Big M seems to possess a symbiotic link to anyone or anything that's infused with the dark matter, allowing him to manipulate them like puppets—" You began the argument against him.

   "—but have you forgotten what the so-called Blood of Unicron did to our warship?" The cherry red racer finished your sentence.

   "That was the result of a massive infusion. I am suggesting a drop or two, merely enough to allow our master to command his warrior at will." The SIC corrects the both of you.

   "Even so, it's too drastic a measure to undertake without Shockwave's approval! I do, after all, report to him." Doc Knock reminds the megalomaniac.

   "You both also are of lower rank than me, meaning you need my approval as well. And what do I say? Don't. Do. It." You told the mechs unhappily. You crossed your arms, your wings drooped, and you clearly showed your disapproval.

   "Not on this project! Super soldiers fall under military operations, meaning, dear Knockout, that you now report to me." Starscream corrected your best friend. He then turned to you. "As for you princess, I know for a fact that your curiosity won't allow you to stop us now. Are we clear?"
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   The doctor looked at the vial of Dark Energon before injecting it straight into the human-gone-cybertronian freak show. The second-in-command watched intently as the vial emptied itself into Cylas' body. The test subject continued to groan and pull at his restraints.

   "Wait for it." The medic said,  holding up a digit. Cylas pulled desperately at the restraints just a little more before fainting.

   "Ugh! Humans in any form cannot be replied upon." The other seeker grumbled. The optics of the husk of Breakdown inclined again, but this time, they were a purple. Purple, like an amethyst. He shot up straight, growling and tearing the restraints out.

   "It's alive!" Knockout yelled jokingly, before watching the thing tear off the restraints without effort. Starscream was thrown at the wall behind him, while you and your bff were backing away slowly.

   "Scrap!" The second-in-command shouted in alarm. The lab rat shakily walked forward, but fell to the floor in a kneeling position. "Oh, for the love of-now what?"

   "I tried to tell you before. It's a side effect of the Synth-En. He's burned through his own natural reserves!" The grounder explained. You sighed in relief. That had scared you!

   "Perhaps we should withhold any infusions for a while! Might calm Cylas down a bit, make him a tad more manageable." Screamer suggested as he crept over to you and the Doc. The cybernetic freak began shaking.

   "Need . . . energon." His face parted into something horrifying, making the three of you gasp in fear. The lab rat husk roared, and a tentacle shot out of its mouth with little pincers. How creepy! You backed away, unaware of how to handle the situation. Cylas hisses and roared and stood back up on his own two pedes.

   He walked towards the three of you slowly. The skinny mech beside you tripped backwards, and the thing went after the fallen SIC. Your transformed your servo into a blaster and shot at the monster's faceplates.

   "Hey! Tentacle thingies off!" Cylas was knocked back, but hissed at your trip again.

   "Ah! Do you think he's actually trying to . . ." The cowardly seeker started.

   "Suck out our energon with that thing?" Knockout finished the question, already knowing the answer.

   "Yup!" You replied, stricken with fear as you stared with wide-optics. The three of you sprinted out of the room as fast as your pedes could possibly carry you, with the freak close behind.

   "See if you can hold him off!" Starscream yelled back at you and the medic as you ran down the Nemesis' halls.

   "What?!" You and the mech cried out. The second-in-command transformed into his jet mode, and you quickly followed his lead. Knockout grabbed onto your wing before you speedily flew behind the other jet. This, at least, would put some distance between you and that thing.
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   You eventually transformed back into your bipedal modes and threw poor KO off of you. He panted as he pushed his faceplates away from the dark metal of the warship's flooring.

   "We need to sound the alarm!" He shouted as he lifted himself up. Screamer shook his head.

   "Out of the question! Megatron will undoubtedly hold us responsible!" The SIC argued against it.

   "But you are!" You shouted, your servos in the air. You were freaking out! You may have handled annoying and dangerous vermin back on your home planet, but nothing compared to energon-sucking human-gone-cybertronian lab experiments!

   "Well, he is, mostly." The seeker motioned to the red grounder. "Anyway, his lordship doesn't need to know that! Not if we handle this the right way." He thought about this for a few seconds.

   "I really, really, hope you know what you're doing Starscream." You grumbled, burying your faceplates in your servos. Doc Knock gave you a saddened look, followed almost immediately after by a side hug out of sympathy.

   "Use your head, Princess! This ship is crawling with highly trained vehicon troopers armed for combat. The moment Cylas attempts to feed, they will neutralize him for us. Problem solved." The skinny mech said it like it was oh-so-simple.

   Here we are, don't turn away now . . .

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