Staying Up // Ch.14

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Staying Up by The Neighborhood
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   "How can I sleep if I don't have dreams? I just have nightmares."
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You were at the same meeting spot you were at the day before. Ultra Magnus had actually come before you this time, and fortunately, your backstruts were not met with a tree trunk. Now, you were kinda just staring at the dark sky in silence. The idea to hand over inside information to the Autobot SIC hadn't even crossed the processors of either of you.

It was a more peaceful day than anything. Because there was barely any Decepticon activity, there wasn't really much Autobot activity. Though, it wasn't really a disappointment, considering it allowed you two to spend more time together. Not that you said anything about, that is.

You had convinced the mech that a relaxing day off of work was just what he'd needed! And much to your surprise, he wholeheartedly agreed. Er-sort of. He drove freely around the valley and did different tricks you didn't even know he could do. You flew up above Magnus, occasionally flying lower to spin right by his side. He scolded you for flying so close to the ground, and you, in turn, teased him about caring so much.

You questioned your attractions to each other as you sat against the tree beside him. After your joy rides, you both decided to quietly rest in the pale moonlight. Everything seemed to be going by so fast. You love him, that was for sure! But the idea of Optimus Prime's second-in-command even tolerating the presence of Megatron's daughter; that was confusing! Especially when it's the other way around.

Did you trust him? Kinda. You always wanted to put all of your spark into your friendships, but you already had friends you hid these things from! Knockout, Predaking. You were pretty sure the Predacon liked you, and you barely knew how you felt about him! Life was already too confusing. Why couldn't you have been born into a normal cybertronian family? Then again, normal was a bit boring for you.

"I do think I should be leaving now." The lieutenant announced abruptly, slowly rising from his laying position. After all, the best way to stargaze was to stare straight up at them. Don't ask why. You nodded and yawned.

"I should probably get going too." You agreed tiredly. He offered you a servo of which you took gratefully. You stretched, and Ultra Magnus did his best not to stare at any part of you. "Sweet dreams, Mags."

"Recharge well, Y/D."
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   You flew speedily onto the flight deck, transforming midair with a flip. You landed, striking a gymnast pose for your finish. You looked around the main deck and spotted nobody, meaning nobody had seen you arrive. You let out the sigh you'd been holding in. The sudden notion that you had been noticed was granted when you heard soft clapping come from behind you. You whipped around with wide-optics to face the unsuspected witness.

   "You know, I didn't actually think you'd be one for sneaking out at night." A certain red medic remarked, crossing his arms. His charming smirk was showing his dentas, and his expression showed amusement from your freaked out reaction.

   "Knockout, please, please don't—" the mech cut you off.

   "Tell Megatron? Relax, I'm a better friend than that. But what were you doing on that particularly long flight, if I may ask?" KO inquired curiously, walking closer as he lifted your chin with a sharp digit. You swatted his servo away and grunted.

   "Let's walk and talk, shall we?" You suggested. The two of you walked from the flight deck and into the maze-like halls of the Nemesis. You rubbed your arms nervously the entire way, but the grounder was patient enough to wait it through as you headed for your berthroom.

   "Even Starscream doesn't stretch his wings this much. So why-oh-why would you be going out so much more often than usual?" He asked. You groaned. Having to explain something so traitor-like to him was tougher than you needed it to be.

   "I was sneaking out to . . ."

   "To see a special someone?" Knockout guessed correctly. You groaned inwardly this time. Talking about boys and your love life were not things you loved to do.

   "Yeeeeessss . . ." You trailed off awkwardly. The doctor chuckled, patting your shoulder plating as the two of you strolled along. He stopped abruptly as the realization hit him. You halted beside cherry red racer.

   "Who is it? 'Cause it's definitely not a human." Knockout commented, his smirk faltering. You sighed again, but this time, it was a little more shaky. You and the mech kept walking, and stopped by the Medbay. The medic probably had some late-night buffing to do.

   "Ultra Magnus." You whispered, rubbing the back of your helm. Doc Knock's optics went wide. Your faceplates blushed blue from the mention of the lieutenant.

   "ULTRA—" he stopped himself, and looked around before quickly dragging you into the Medical Bay, for fear of prying optics and listening audio receptors. "Ultra Magnus?! As in Optimus' second-in-command, Autobot Ultra Magnus?!" You nodded at Knockout, keeping your intake shut. Like there's another one, you thought sarcastically.

   "Oh Primus, your in love with an Autobot! And one of the Prime's closest comrades, no less!"

   "No no no! I am not in love with him. Love a strong word." You mumbled the last part. The grounder groaned, holding his helm with his servos.

   "What am I to do with you?" Knockout questioned Primus as he offlined his optics for a few seconds. You sighed guiltily.

   "Not tell anyone?" You suggested with a shrug and an awkward smile. It was KO's turn to sigh before he put his snarky attitude back on.

   "You're not gonna tell your more beastly mechfriend?" He teased. You shook your head furiously, your faceplates becoming even bluer than before.

   "He is not my mechfriend!" You shot back defensively. Your friend chuckled again; the worry for you was crystal clear in his optics.

   "Fine, whatever you say."

   I'm staying up this time . . .

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