Shake It Out // Ch.18

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Shake It Out by Florence & The Machine
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   "It's always darkest before the dawn."
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"We're alright."

You received the quiet message over your comm link as Ratchet was escorted into the room. You breathed out an unnoticed sigh of relief and thanked Primus that your friend wasn't one with the AllSpark.

"I'm sure you would more appreciate a tour of our facilities if you were comfortable." Megatron told the medic as you walked. One of the two vehicon guards escorting Ratchet tapped his servo-cuffs to turn them off.

"How do you know I won't use these to amputate?" The prisoner asked your sire. He transformed his servos into blades for effect. You skipped over and took your place beside your parent.

"And pass up a chance to see our molecular masking field for yourself?" You let out a gasp for your own effect when you said that. You put on a sly grin to continue playing your sire's games.

"Your cloaking device." The medic turned his blades back to servos to go examine the computer system. After all, blades are for skating! You stayed behind with the guards and simply watched as your sire and the Autobot nerd out at Decepticon tech.

"This is weird." You groaned. Your smirk was replaced by a bored expression as you leaned on one of them with your arm.

"No kidding." Steve commented, kinda just staring like you and the other guard. The old mech began to confront your sire about his goals for Cybertron. All accusations about enslaving Bots and such were all true, and the warlord even confirmed it.

"Perhaps, but you wouldn't stop there, would you? Earth would be next, if not first. What assurance do I have that you would leave humankind be? And that you wouldn't instantly terminate me once you get what you need?" Ratchet questioned the warmonger.

"None," you called out, grabbing the attention of both, "none whatsoever."

"After all," your sire turned around to face the doctor, "we both know that as a Decepticon, any assurances we might offer would be worthless. But that does not change the fact that you may be Cybertron's only hope of ever seeing life again."
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"While your forces have put a dent in our resources, Shockwave has been invaluable in updating our laboratory. Should you choose to accept the task, you shall have unrestricted access to our equipment." Your sire announces as the doors close behind your group. Ratchet looked over on the table to the warlord's right, and a special gadget caught his attention.

   "Is that a quantum cryo-inducer? Only two were ever made." The medic said in astonishment. He walked up to the device and picked it up, running his digits over it in fascination.

   "Three, actually!" You spoke up excitedly. "This is the original prototype!" Your father sent you a look of amusement. Princesses can be kick-aft nerds too! Later on, you were once again walking down the winding corridors of the Nemesis with the guards, Megatron and Ratchet.

   "Even if you manage to reconstruct the Omega Lock, it is a mystic force. I've come to my senses. The notion of scientifically replicating its capability is pure folly. Madness, even." The prisoner scoffed. You glanced back at him with an apologetic expression. He wouldn't be so happy to see what he was just about to witness. You turned to an automatic door that revealed the progress of the Lock.

   "But how will we know for certain, doctor . . ." The former gladiator trails off as he steps aside. His bright red optics gleamed with his psychopathic spirit showing through. (666 Megatron is Satan)

   Various troopers were drilling and screwing and building around the Omega Lock. It was just about finished, so any Autobot attempt to stop it would be absolutely useless.

   " . . . If we do not try? And how can we not try, if the means finally lie within our reach?"

   "By the AllSpark," the ambulance swore, "you've actually done it."

   "Decepticon engineering! It will not take long for this Omega Lock's drives to be fully operational. All that is still needed to restore our home is the cyber-matter to launch through it!" Megatron told the smaller mech beside him. The doctor stared down into the abyss that was space with wide-optics.

   "Which requires a stabilized formula for the production of Synthetic Energon." The prisoner said quietly, putting the puzzle pieces together.

   "We have every confidence in you, doctor." You spoke up, stepping forwards to look at the sight. The place made you nervous and fidgety, or was it the events you knew were to happen once it was finished? Cyberforming Earth? Yeah, no thanks. The medic slimmed his optics.

   "I'll do it. But you already knew it, didn't you?" Ratchet said, looking up at you and the warmonger. Megatron's grin looked more unsettling than ever as the statement was spoken. You silently gulped.

   This wouldn't end up well.
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   "Are you sure you are unable to get him out?" Ultra Magnus asked over the comm link. You sighed in disappointment.

   "I'm sorry, Magnus! I'd try, but being inside the Nemesis for the Bots is too good a chance to pass up! Besides, he doesn't even know that I'm on your side yet! I'm supposed to supervise twenty-four-seven, I'm not even gonna have a chance to get out myself!" You complained and apologized to the Autobot commander for the inconveniences.

   You checked on the device implanted inside your chassis, as you had only given it a test run moments ago. The test had run smoothly, and you absolutely couldn't wait to try it another time. Maybe you could use it to stop your sire!

   "It is alright, Y/D. You did everything you could. My only fear is that things . . . won't work out." Magnus put it simply. You groaned.

   "I'll try to notify your medic of our covenant when I can, okay?" You told him as nicely as you could. You closed your chassis back up when you heard a sudden knock on the door.

   "Gotta go." You logged off again, and shooting off the berth you had been perched on. You pressed a few buttons on the wall to open the door to reveal a rather pissed, Decepticon SIC.

   "I'm in need of some relief right now," Starscream hissed as he slammed you into the wall next to the door, "and I think you can give that to me."

   You needed to shake things out sooner or later.

   And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back . . .

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