Not Gonna Die // Ch.9

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Not Gonna Die by Skillet
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"I won't give up, I refuse!"
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   "Would one of you like to tell me what is going on?" Megatron asked threateningly. You bit your derma, knowing real well that you were all screwed.

   "No?" You offered innocently and quietly with an unknowing shrug.

   "Uh, yes! Um, absolutely nothing, my liege." Starscream lied nervously.

   "All is quiet. Too quiet! One could even say dull." You elbowed Knockout when he said that. His explanation was much too suspicious.

   "Funny, because the Dark Energon within my spark has been pulsing." The warlord growled. You inwardly sighed and cursed the male seeker beside you.

   "Allow me to handle this." Screamer told you and the grounder softly. "It's Knockout's fault!"

   "Precisely my—what?!" Your best friend shouted as he realized what the SIC had said.

   "He infused Cylas with a cocktail comprised of Dark and Synthetic Energon, creating a monstrous mutation which is now on the verge of turning your entire crew into mindless, Energon-sucking Terrorcons!" He blurted out in shaking fear. Your sire switched his gaze to you.

   "Did you have anything to do with this, my child?" I am not your child, you wanted to yell. You were better than Starscream though, and carefully yet quickly thought about your words. Except, someone seemed to beat you for a response.

   "She had nothing to do with anything my liege!" KO defended suddenly. Your optic ridges raised in surprise and a smile almost crept onto your faceplates. The warmonger turned back to his second-in-command, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

   "I do not know from what madness your yarns spring, Starscream, but if I learn that you have been dabbling with my Dark Energon stores again, attempting to fuse yourself with it's formidable power—" While the larger mech talked, the three of you noticed a lone Terrorcon stalking his way.

   "Um, sire?" You tried to interrupt his threatening lecture as the thing crept closer. You tuned yourself out of the one-sided conversation as it continued to walk closer with slow, terrifying steps. Each one struck fear into your spark. The undead trooper growled before letting it's intake tentacle loose.

   "Energon!" It hissed. Megatron turned to the metallic, zombie-vampire.

   "You there! What are you doing?!" He yelled at the undead soldier. "I order you, stand down!" It let out a roar and ran for him, but was shot in the spark abruptly by the leader's arm cannon. Now, lay dead at the end of the hall.

   "We did try to tell you." The skinny mech squeaked, shrugging. You and Doc Knock nodded with awkward, innocent smiles.
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   "Then why can I not command the monster to follow my bidding?" The warmonger asked as you observed the scans on the computer screen.

   "While the trace of Dark Energon should have granted you control over these ghouls—" the doctor began to explain.

   "—I'm pretty sure the Synthetic component is corrupting your link to them." You finished, confident with the theory. The warlord slimmed his optics as he looked from you to the cherry red racer.

   "Initiate high alert! Instruct all troops to keep their distance from the mutations, and terminate on sight!" Megatron ordered Soundwave. The silent mech turned to his own computer and immediately got to work.

   "Your fate however, remains to be seen." He growled at the mechs by your sides. He glanced at them again. "Why are you still here? Find this creation of yours and eradicate it immediately!" This is when he fixed his gaze onto your indefinitely perfect faceplates.

   "As for you, my beautiful sparkling, I need you to get to safety."
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   "I realize Lord Megatron is only doing this to punish us, but how are we these best choice for hunting down Cylas? I mean, why not deploy his beloved beast machine super soldier, hm? After all it is supposed to be the ultimate hunter." Knockout asked as they crept down another corridor.

   "Out of the question! Can you imagine if the Predacon became infected? Nothing could stop it!" Screamer argued.

   "Yeah, he'd be pretty pissed." You said out loud, leaning against the wall. The mechs just noticed you, and their optics went why as they questioned why you weren't going to safety. Unfortunately, unlike some people, you weren't a quitter. Not now, not ever! Later on, when you walked into another room down another corridor, you found the dead body of the human freak accident.

   "Our ordeal is finally over!" The SIC cried out in relief.

   "Or not." The medic said with a frown, noticing the ripped up space where Airachnid had originally been in.

   "Scrap!" You cursed. A prisoner had escaped? Your sire wouldn't be very excited to hear about this. Speaking of Unicron, Megatron called Starscream up on his comm and asked about their status. Let's just say, his reaction wasn't very pleasant.
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   "Yes, the containment protocol you recommended to prevent any further outbreak is now underway. Oh! And Shockwave, having just lost more than half our military might, I cannot stress enough the importance of Project Predacon. See if you can speed things along, will you?" The former gladiator ordered his most prized engineer over the computer terminal. He closed the call and turned around to face you and his subordinates.

   "Knockout, need I remind you that, as the ship's medic, you report directly to Shockwave, not Starscream?" He yelled at the grounder. KO nodded his helm.

   "Understood, master."

   "Just to be sure, you will hand over all of your projects to him immediately." Your sire commanded the red doctor. "Including this Synthetic Energon."

   "As you wish, my liege."

   "As for you Starscream, you will get your punishment later." The seeker sighed in relief and headed for his own quarters. His punishment would be as brutal as his master wished it, and he knew the time would be very soon. Your sire cupped your face with his servo, but then raised it and slapped it across your cheek. Your optics widened and threatened to leak as you realized what in the Pits just happened.

   "I am disappointed in you, my heir. You defied my orders and went after our medic and the one mech I asked you to stay away from. You are dismissed." With those words, you nodded, blinked back tears, and swiftly walked to your room. Knockout almost reached out his servo to call you back, but he didn't. "And Knockout?" Your friend faced his lord again.

   "Yes, my liege?"

   "We'll have a talk about the wellbeing of my daughter, later."

   This is how it feels when you fight back . . .

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