Hopeless // Ch.8

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Hopeless by Breaking Benjamin
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"I cannot hold on, I cannot let go."
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   "Once we recover Cylas' body, we must dispose of it as quickly and efficiently as possible. No trace of him can be allowed to remain." Starscream ordered as your trio stalked through the hallways.

   "His . . ." Knockout shivered as he talked, "infected body." You three turned a corner and yelled at the seemingly dead husk of a trooper. The medic ran over to check the soldier's pulse.

   "Gone. Completely drained of energon. Tell me something, Starscream, when you said 'problem solved,' is this even close to what you had in mind?!" KO scolded the other mech. He pointed at the corpse in rage.

   "I do not appreciate your tone, Knockout! This brewing catastrophe is hardly my fault."

   "Well, it certainly isn't mine!" You barely listened to the mechs bicker. You slowly, deliberately placed one pede slightly behind the other, backing away from the shaking body.

   "Um, guys?" You tried to warn them. The trooper growled and your companions turned their helms to face it with wide-optics.

   "Energon!" It hissed, before the tentacle shot out of it's intake. You screamed and hid behind your best friend.

   "I thought you said he had no spark!" The seeker glanced at the grounder as he shouted.

   "Dark Energon, it reanimates the dead!" You remind the two in alarm. You all backed away, taking out your weapons while you were at it. The SIC shot at the energon-sucking Terrorcon in fear.

   "Aim for the head!" The doctor yelled.

   "What?! How do you know?!" Starscream cried out as he glanced at you and him again.

   "I have seen human horror films!" Knockout explained frantically. You two looked at him in confusion. "At drive-in theaters!"

   "Who cares? Just do it!" You shouted, not removing your gaze from the terrifying, vampire-like creature. The second-in-command transformed his blaster back into a servo and aimed a missile at it. It was a perfect shot! Unfortunately, it didn't really do anything, and the zombie-Con kept walking towards you. You let out another shriek as it came closer and closer with no helm.

   "Forget the head! Go for the spark!" Star screamed (😏), turning his servo into a blaster again. He aimed and shot rapid fire at the spark chamber, taking the life of the undead soldier. You all exchanged horrified expressions.

   "We severed its link to the Dark Energon. Human horror films, waste of time." Your friend scoffed as the three of you crept towards it.
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   "If the mutation can be passed along with one, single bite, the whole crew on this very warship is now at risk!" You cried out, walking between the medic and the SIC. The second-in-command let out an un-mech-like cry.

   "You're saying, Cylas could beget more Terrorcons?" He let the realization hit him like the train that had rammed into Knockout at one point in time.

   "It could happen." The cherry red racer shrugged with uncertainty. "And the ensuing feeding frenzy could turn this entire warship into a scrap heap. So now, can we sound the alarm?!" You finally came across a few troopers that were in a small group at the side of the hall.

   "Hey! You guys! Have you seen any unusual activity—" they turned around to face you, revealing their hunched over figures and intake tentacles, "—in this sector?" The roared and growled and took slow, creeping steps after you. The three of you yelped in surprise, and then immediately fled in the opposite direction. You sprinted swiftly away from the undead hoard, but ended up running into even more. Yelling and screeching in fear again, you and the two mechs ran the other way.

   "In here!" Starscream shouted as he jumped into an office. You and the medic followed him, letting the door close suddenly behind you.

   "Knockout, Y/D, this situation might be a bit more dire than any of us ever imagined." The seeker said as you all pressed your backs against the wall.

   "Hmm. I find it rather ironic that, after battling Autobots all these years, getting smacked down, shot at, blown up, this is how our lights go out?" The grounder began to question Primus a little bit.

   "Drained of our precious fluids . . ." You mumbled sadly, looking up at the ceiling.

   "If this is indeed the end, if we are to become Terrorcon chow, it has been an honor serving Lord Megatron with you two." The winged mech smiled at you and the doctor. It nearly made your spark melt into a puddle!

   "You're no Breakdown. Though I must confess, I have always admired your lustrous finishes." Knockout complimented, wearing a sad smile as well. They looked at you patiently for a couple of seconds.

   "Ugh! Fine. You're both, kinda, sorta, maybe, really attractive." You told them with energon rising to your cheekplates in embarrassment. The mechs raised their optic ridges in surprise before faint blue blush covered their faceplates too. Starscream cleared his throat.

   "Well then," he spoke up shyly.

   "We should be going." The other mech said with a nod.

   "Yeah, we probably should." You added, biting your derma. You crept out of the office shortly after your awkward conversation, turned a single corner, and slammed straight first into the chassis of your sire.

   "Eep!" The SIC jumped backwards in surprise. You and the medic did the same.

   "Whoopsy-daisy . . ." You whispered to yourself as you looked up at his irked expression.

   You greedy little bastard, you will get what you deserve . . .

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