Heal // Ch.1

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Heal by Tom Odell
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   "Take a heart and take a hand, like an ocean takes the dirty sand, and heal."
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   The pod floated around space for while. A certain femme had taken it to escape the dangers on her home planet, and the sire she claimed to love. The escape pod slowly drifted towards the atmosphere of a nearby planet, a special planet called Earth.

    Unbeknownst to the passenger, this certain planet held the leaders of both factions. Along with their armies—or in the Autobots' case, their unfortunately small team. Much time had passed between when the titans had first come to Earth. When the femme would land, as the pod carrying her was already shooting through the bright blue sky like a meteor, she would find the new additions to both factions quite interesting.

But beware Autobots! The Princess of the Decepticons had returned.

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The escape pod hit that ground, creating tracks as it slid on the dirt. The door slid right open, and your exhausted body fell out clumsily. You had immediately been awakened from long-term stasis as soon as the pod hit the ground, and you felt like you were about to purge your tanks.

You stood up, stretching yourself. You had so many cramps from being in such a small space for so many vorns. It was extremely uncomfortable! If any bots were on this planet, you figured you'd greet them with a bang! Which really meant: It was time to use your skills to turn this pod into a bomb.

Over on the Nemesis, Lord Megatron had just been called over to the control room. He stomped over angrily, furious from the Autobots' recent victory. They had managed to destroy and escape Darkmount, the Decepticon's former capitol.

"What is it?!" The warlord roared unhappily. The Predacon had been frozen in the Antarctic as well, which was yet another failure that plagued his evil processor. Soundwave didn't flinch like the rest of the crew. On the silent mech's visor, it showed the life signal of one specific Decepticon: You.

"Princess Y/D?" Starscream's optics widened as he stared at the life signal. You must've just entered the atmosphere in a 'Con escape pod. Megatron knew they absolutely had to get to you before the Autobots did.

"Starscream, call for an armada. It is time to rescue my heir!" He ordered, before nodding to Soundwave for a ground bridge. It was time for you to come home! Not that you could ever call the Nemesis that.

Over at the Autobots' new base though, it was a different story. An alarm had immediately gone off the very second your pod hit the Earth's sky, making some of the soldiers jump a few pedes in the air. The Beast Hunters had rushed over to the computer where Ratchet was.

"What seems to be the problem, old friend?" Optimus asked the medic as he walked over with his lieutenant, Ultra Magnus.

"It's a Decepticon escape pod!" The doctor answered in shock as he stared incredulously at the computer. A new Decepticon? That could only mean bad news for them, but unbeknownst to them, you were someone of greater importance than they thought.

"Another 'Con? Let's get them before the others do then!" Wheeljack puts his fists together in excitement. Ultra Magnus nodded to his leader.

"Ratchet, start up the ground bridge. Autobots, let's roll out!"
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You bit your bottom derma as you hid behind large boulder, your thin, silver frame blending well with your surroundings. You found you were in an empty valley, with two mountains on both sides.

You had purged your tanks, but nobody needed to know that. You only hoped no unsuspecting cybertronian was going to step in it. You heard one ground bridge open and close, immediately followed by voices.

"Yeah Optimus, we found the pod. There doesn't seem to be any 'Cons around though." The voice sounded like it belonged to a fellow femme. She was an Autobot, and you could immediately tell the moment she said the Prime's name.

"Aaaaw, I was really hoping for some action!" This voice sounded like it belonged to a younger mech. Another young spoke cybertronian, and you assumed he was the scout whose voice box was crushed by your vicious sire.

/Let's see who's in the pod!/ the scout had said, readying his blasters. The femme agreed, readying her own weapons. Suddenly, another ground bridge opened!

"Step away from the pod, Autobot!" But the warmonger was too late. Lucky for him, the bridge sounded far enough away so the 'Cons wouldn't get hit. The sound of the lid of the pod opening was all you needed to here before a high-pitched beeping sound reached your audio receptors.

"It's gonna blow!" The young mech shouted. You could hear the rush of pedes from them, and almost immediately after did you hear the loud blow of your escape pod. You felt the heat of it near you, as well as saw some pieces of hot metal land in front of you.

That was you queue to come.

"Oh Primus!" You laughed with fake happiness. You leaped over the boulder and into the line of sight of both factions. "I didn't think you Autobots were that lacking of a processor!" The enemy team gasped in surprise, but their faces quickly turned into those of anger and determination.

"Y/D! It has been quite some time since I last saw you, my sparkling." Megatron cackled at your act. His devilish optics had their usual, ambitious glint, and his intake quickly formed a smirk that showed off his sharp denta.

"Sire! It's so wonderful to see your faceplates again. How 'bout we catch up back on your warship, huh?" You asked him with more fake excitement. Everything around everyone was an act.

You were so used to being someone you weren't, you barely knew who you really were anymore. You needed to be the you everyone had come to expect or else your real self might show. You weren't a psycho, or a worshipper of the Decepticon leader, or happy that you murdered your creator in cold energon. You didn't like the other 'Cons, or the dark thoughts they had and they unspeakable things they did.

You could never heal.

"That sounds great, my heir. Come, let us talk at your new home." The Autobots could do nothing as they watched you skip with pride over to the ground bridge that suddenly appeared. The Decepticons disappeared into the swirling green portal.

"Ratchet, we need a ground bridge. Also, prepare the med bay, will you?" The femme told the medic through the comm link. They knew things could only get worse from here.

Tell me something's last . . .

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