111. #24 Rob McClanahan ft. #10 Mark Johnson & #9 Neal Broten

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"Mark Johnson's hell of a guy. Never thought I would say that."

"What about Neal Broten?"

"He is a Mouse."
"A mouse? Would you mind explaining why?"

"Because he squeaks like a mouse. And it can get on your nerves. But you take him to McDonald's, god help his health, and he is as happy as a mouse with a piece of cheese."

~December 24th 1980, Lake Placid, New York, USA~

Rob sits down with the rest of the team for a Christmas dinner. It may not be what he is used to, spending holiday time with his family and fiancé, eating... eating good food in their company, but as he looks around the table, he sees twenty-one remaining players on the team, his second family away from home. Missing in their company is Mark Wells, who is recovering his injured ankle, but the team hopes he will be able to make a full recovery and rejoin them...at least until someone gets cut again.

"Earth to Mac. What is wrong with you?" Ralph Cox waves his hand in front of Mac's nose, shaking the brunette awake.

"Nothing. I was just thinking..."
"Hope that didn't hurt you too much," Mouse quips from the other side of the table and grins as Rob glares daggers at him: "Careful with your words, Mouse."

"Come on, Ricky, you know how it usually ends for you when things get too rough. If you don't remember, ask your teeth," Suter chuckles and ignores Mac's glare. Magic next to Rob puts hand on his linemate's shoulder: "Mac, ignore them. They are pranking you."

"Thanks, Magic... at least someone normal 'round here."

"Now you are insulting us, Ricky," Steve Christoff teases his old high school rival. Mac sighs in response – not that he doesn't like them, they are a great bunch of people to hang out with and to share the ice with, but sometimes, he misses the normality of his every day life in Minnesota, the teammates he has known for ages, his family, who has been supporting him through thick and thin, his fiancé who he was intending to spend Christmas with. He even misses the lake behind his home, where he grew up. That frozen water he learnt to skate on, holding on to a chair to keep his balance.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?"


He glances over at Magic, who smiles at him, letting him know he understands his struggle. Despite being formal rivals, two brunettes get along better than anyone would expect. Could be some personality traits they share, but they both know it's something more than that. And mutual understanding is just one of the reasons why they are jokingly called "a power couple".

"Then stop being such a sour wolf," Riff sighs.

I will give you a sour wolf, Rob keeps his thoughts to himself. He finishes his dinner quietly. Staying true to his polite nature, he doesn't leave the table right away and waits for the toast, adding a little something himself. Then, he finally excuses himself and heads towards the room he shares with Magic Johnson. It doesn't take long for his partner in crime to join him, sitting on his bed: "Is it about Debbie?"
"Not just her. Everyone back home. It was a tradition for me to come home for Christmas and spend some time with them."

"I miss my family too, Robbie. But you know what makes it a bit easier for me?"

Brunette looks up at him and sits on the his bed, leaning his back against the wall: "What?"
"The thought of them seeing me in Lake Placid. Being with them after the victories and, as much as I hope that won't happen, after defeats."
"Have I ever told you Debbie never liked hockey, actually? And she didn't know who I was. Which was one of the reasons I fell for her. And because of her brain, she is the smartest girl I have ever met."

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