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Nikki's Pov

As we got in our hotel rooms , the next morning I was woke up by my phone ringing it was john

"Good morning hunny ", I said

"Hey beautiful,  how are you ", john asked

"Im good , got some sleep 💤 last night ", I said

"Oh yea ", john said

"How is thr movie so far ". I asked smiling

"It's good I have to be on set in the next thirty minutes ", john said

"Nicole ". Brie said walking in my room

"Where is you manner suppose I was naked ", I said

"I know you , your not sleeping naked if john's not here , anyways you need to get ready ", brie said

"Im sorry im talking to my husband ", I said smiling

"It's ok nicole you have work , I love you talk to you soon ", john said

"Ok love you too ", I said hanging up as I facetimed the kids and got ready . we webt to birdiebee meetings

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