Dinner with the divas

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Nikki's Pov

I got ready and I had on a jumper to go to dinner With the divas . the kids were sleeping and I went to kiss them then i put on my heels and went downstairs to John.

"John I'm about to leave ". I said going to him as he pulled me in

"How comes you don't dress this sexy when your going out with me ", John said

"Because as your wife , I have to know how to carry myself out in public ", I said

"Ok fine ", John said rubbing my butt

"Yepp ", I said kissing him

"Ok see you later ", John said kissing me as I left

"Hey nicole ". The divas yelled hugging me

"Hey girls ", I said as I hugged them and I sat

"So how's things ". Nattie said

"Well after I had hazel everything had been amazing/and great ", I said

"Oh I'm guess hazel is the baby's name ", Lana said

"Yes ", I said

"So how you and john ", Eva asked

"Well I have him on locked down and we are doing amazing ", I said as they laughed

"Wow ", they said 

"Yes what about you guys ", i asked

"Lane , nattie ", I said again

"Well im trying to have a baby with rusev although we aren't married yet ", lana said

"That's good ". I said

"And im getting my marriage on the road ", nattie said as brie walked up

"And I think I might be pregnant ', she said

"Really " everyone said

"Yass ", I said

"Nooi ", brie said

"She don't want this ", I said

"Why ", they said

"I'm sorry I just dont think motherhood is for me ", I said

"That's so sad 😔 ", they said

"Umm nicole I need you to follow me to obgyn to check if I really am ", brie said

"So what are you gonna do if you are pregnant ", I said

"I have no idea , im going not tell him for a while ", brie said

"What ", lana said

"Noo ", nattie said

"Brie ", I said

"What this is not me ", brie said

"I'll help you get through it . if you are pregnant and yoy have the baby you are gonna fall in love and want a fozen I only wanted one child and now I got two beautiful kids I won't trade for the workd and I want four more ", I said

"Yea it's true babies are blessing ", lana said

"Yea lana is trying ", I said

"Ok , now let's drink ", I saiputting my glass up

"Wait you can't drink ",i said as everyone laughed including brie

We havd fun and I went home . everyone was asleep when I got home .
The next morning john woke me up kissing me

"Good morning babe ", john said

"Hey ", I said as I held his face and kissed him

"How was last night ", john asked

"It was ok but drama . brie thinks she pregnant and she wants me to go to obgyn with her today", I said

"That's amazing ", john said holding my waist

"She dont want a baby ", I said

"Really ", he asked as I got up out the bed

"Yepp she dont want to be a mother ",I said going in hazel's room as john followed me

"Oh " he said as I was bending over to look on hazel in the crib as john grip my waist pulling me towards him .

Later in the evening the baby sitter came for hazel and me and sophia went to obgyn with brie

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