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Niki's Pov

John and I just came from raw with carol and went straight to bed . the next day I woke , I was the only one in the bed . I showered and got dressed then went downstairs .

"Mommy ", hazel said creeping as I lifted her up

"Morning ", John said kissing me

"Good morning ", I said as I went to the living room

"How was RAW last night ", john asked as I said playing with hazel

"It was amazing it felt nice being Back in the ring ", I said

"Yea ", he said

" is sophia still sleeping ", I asked

"Yes hun ", john said

"Im gonna wake her soon she has dance practice ", I said

"I'll go wake her then like how your breastfeeding ", john said

"Yes thank you ", I said as he went upstairs

10 minutes after john and sophia cane back

"Morning my baby ", I said kissing sophia

"Morning mommy ", she said sad

"Whats wrong with you ", I asked

"I had to drag her out of the damn bed ", john said shouting

"Im……  ", sophia started crying as I put down hazel and hush sophia

"Why do you have to be so rough with her. ", I said

"She has to be disciplined and strong ". John said

"You don't have to go about it like that ", I said

"I know how to discipline children cause I did with anthony ", he said

"You obviously don't cause look how he turned out ", I said as he got uset

"Dont treat my children like shit you can do that with liz not me ", I said

"I have a say ", he said

"Do you think I'm going to let you shout at my kids like that , your crazy", I said

"I will fucking discipline my kids ", john said

"Not with me alive you won't ", I said

"You know what nicole fuck off ". He said driving away

"Fuck you,  you can go and cheat now cause I'm over this shit ", I said as he left and drove off

"Mommy I'm sorry , I didn't mean that to happen ". Sophy ssid

"No it's ok , don't every let your dad shout at you again ", I said hushing her then carol came downstairs

"What the hell is going on down here ", carol

"Something is wrong with your son , like he thought I was going to let him shout at sophy like that hell to the no ", I said as I put hazel in the car seat and carried sophy to dance practice then went back home .

After I dropped sophy  , I went to the hospital and picked up brie and the baby . they were released from the hospital .

"I am so happy I came out of that place ", brie said

"Yea I bet ", I said as we got home and I helped her to get in the guest house

"Where is John", brie asked

"We got in to an arguement ". I said

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