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John's Pov

I was at home as I carried anthony and carol to thr hospital to see nicole . I also made anthony pick out a gift to buy for nicole and the baby ..

"Hey babe ", I said going to her and gently take the baby

"Hey ", she said

"Wats up ". I said

"Oh nothing , the nurse just told me that I may be in the hospital for two more days ", she said

"Why ", I asked

"Because my blood pressure is up ", nicole said

"Oh wow , so carol and anthony came ", I said

"Oh hey guys ". She said hugging them

" Hey , how are you feeling ", carol said

"I'm fine and I can still feel a little pain ". She said

"Mommy ". Anthony said going up on the bed

"How are you ", nicole asked anthony

"I am fine I brought a gift for you and my baby sister SOPHIA  ", anthony said hugging nicole

" Really , Aww Thank you ", nicole said hugging him as john gave carol the baby

"She's so little and light ", carol said

"Yea remember she's premature ", she said

"Yea ", john said as the baby started to cry

"Oh I think she's hungry ", nicooe said as carol gave her the baby as she fed the baby

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