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Nikki's Pov

I was at the arena with john and the baby

"John I'm going to get my outfit ", I said

"Ok babe , I'll be right here with sophia ", he said as I kissed him

"Yes ".  I said as I was walking to get my gear

"Sister ", brie said walking pass

"Hey girl ", I said as I continued

"Nikki I missed you ", jojo said

"Yea I know right ", I said as I got there and saw sandra , she was on leave and came back

"Hey nicole ", she said

"Sandra ", I said hugging her up

"How have you been ", she said

"I'm good ", I said

"And the baby ? ", she asked

"She is amazing and with her father in the locker room ", I said

"Aww I want to see her ", she said

"Later I'll bring her to see you ", I said

"I've seen her picture on john's instagram page , she's precious . she looks like you back ", she said

"Yea,  she such a sweet baby", I said

"Yea , ok I have to get back to you ", she said

"Yea later ". I said as I walked away

Locker room

"You took a long time , up to sophia is sleeping ",", john said as I sat in his lap

"I'm sorry I bucked up into sandra ", I said

"Oh ", he said

"I can't believe sophia is four months now ", I said kissing john

"I know ", he said as I faced him while I sat on him

"You are such a tease " he said as john held my butt

" ok john finish your best friend will be here in any minute ". I said

"If he's my best friend he wouldn't care to watch up ", he said as I laughed

"I can't believe you just said that ", I said

"This is how we conceived sophia ", he said

"Where did you get that from we conceived sophia on our honeymoon ", I said

"I know , I was just kidding ', he said

"When last you talked to anthony ". I asked

"Liz don't make me talk to him so  I just got to accept that its my life ', he said

"I miss him ", I said

"I know but thank god I have you and sophia in my life ", he said as sophia started to cry

"Mommy duty ", I said going for her

"Daddy's little princess ", john said as I  started to breastfeed sophia

"Can you hold her ". I said when I was finished as he took her and went into the room for something

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