Remember Me

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Nikki's Pov

I am five months pregnant now and sophia just turned three . I was at home in bed and john and sophia was sleeping as the door bell rang . I got out of bed at opened the door and it was liz .

"Oh nicole ", liz said shocked

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"Oh nicole ", liz said shocked

"Morning ", I said

"I didn't know that you were pregnant ", she said

"Yea , john and I haven't really told anyone as yet ", I said

"Oh ok I was wondering if you guys could keep for me until tomorrow ", she asked

"Of course ", I said

"Is john here "she asked

"Yea he's sleeping ", I said

"Ok congratulations on the new baby ", liz said

"Yea thank you ", I said

"Mommy ", anthony said running and hugging me

"Hey baby ", I said hugging him

"Ok later anthony ", liz said

"Bye ", he said

"Bye nicole ", she said as I said bye and we went inside

"Anthony I'm going to have another baby ", I said

"I'm so happy , I get to be a big brother again ", anthony

"How old are you now ", I asked

"Im ten ", he said

"I can't believe your getting so big ", I said

"Where's dad and sophia ", he asked

"Their upstairs sleeping ", I said

"I wish I could get to see you guys more but my mom hate's you guys , not because she act like she's interesting in knowing what's going on , she really don't care ", he said

"I know that , but I have to be the bigger person " I said as john came downstairs

"Dad ", anthony as he hugged john

"Hey your getting so big , I feel like I haven't seen you in years ", john said

"Well it-s been nine months , I hope sophia remember me ", he said

"Yea ", john said as he came over to me

"What's up ", john said sitting beside of me

"Oh nothing , I had to sit down because the baby was kicking hard ", I said as john began to rub my belly

"Im going to check on sophia ", anthony said

Meanwhile with anthony

He walked into sophia's room

"Anthony ", sophia said hugging me

"I missed you ", he said as he took her out of her crib and held her hand as they walked

They came downstairs

"Look at them ", I said

"You guys are so cute , sophia missed you ", john said

"Momma ", sophia said coming in john's lap and rubbing my belly

"I can't wait to meet this baby ", john said

"Yea me too ", I said

"Everytime I look at your tattoo , I think how crazy you are ", I said

"With what , because I have a tattoo of your face in my back ", he asked

"Yes and you already had my name on your arm ", I said

"I love you so ", he said

"I love you too ", I said

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