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John's Pov

I woke up and nicole was staring at me .

"Hey morning. What's up ", I asked

"Oh nothing I'm just thinking that you flew in all our family members yesterday to please me ", nicole said

""Yea your my wife right", I said

"Yes ", she said as I kissed her

"I have a dinner to go and I was wonder ", she said as I cut her off

"You were wondering if I could watch the kids. Yes ", I said

"Thank you , where are you going anyway ", I asked

"Umm the divas invited me to go out with them ", nicole said

"Oh and I just got a message from Liz", I said

"Oh really what ", she asked

"She wants me to watch anthony but I just don't want to be apart of his life anymore . I just feel like he is growing and he has no manners . I don't want him around our kids ", I said

"Are you sure ", nicole asked

"Yess ", I said kissing nicole as her phone rang

"Oh it's brie ". She said as I kissed her cheek and went for the baby

Nikki's Pov

"Nicole ", brie said

"Yes brianna ", I said

"I think I'm pregnant ", she said ad I was putting on clothes

"Yaayy ", I said

"I hope I'm really not ", she said

"Why haven't you spoke about wanting this ", I asked

"When ", she said

"Your right , does bryan know ", I asked

"No I'm fricking out , I just took the pregnancy test ", she said

"Well I'm happy and I'm sure bryan will be happy ad well". , I said

"Ugh!!  Ok ", she said hanging up then I went downstairs

"What's that about ". John asked

"Brie might be pregnant ". I said

"Wow does she whats that ", john asked

"I honestly don't think so ", I said

"We need to stop sleeping naked ", I said

"Why our sex life is amazing ", John said

"But remember we have kids now ", I said kissing him

"So how's everything ", John asked

"Did you know that alexia broke her virginity", I said

"What the fuck ", he said

"Yepp", I said

"Wow I can't believe though ', he said

"Me either ", I said

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