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Nikki's Pov

I was at home getting ready for smackdown . John wasn't booked on smackdown so he's staying home with anthony .

"Bye babe ", I said sitting in his lap

"Bye ", john said kissing me as I kissed back

"Ok ", I said getting up as he smacked my ass

"You look sexy ", he said

"Ok I'll be thinking about you ", I said

"Not as much as I will ", he said as I went to the Staples Centre

I went in the locker room .

"Hey guys ", I said

"Hey wats up ", they said as I sat

"Oh nothing much ", I said we chatted for a little bit then trinity , brie , nattie , alicia and I went to catering and sat .

"Nicole any baby plans ". Brie asked

"Umm yess as soon as I get married ", I said smiling

"Good ", they said

"You guys won't believe what happened yesterday ", I said

"What happened ", nattie said

"Anthony called me Mommy ", I said as they were shocked

"Maybe he wants you to be his mother because of the way you protect and treat him ", trinity said

"Yea but I was just not ready for that ", I said

"What was john's reacting ", brie asked

"He was suprise but he said anthony has wanted to call me mom a long time but he was just telling me ", I said

"Wow well you better get ready cause you plan to have kids with him ", alicia said

"Yea ", I said

"So where is john ", alicia asked

"He is at home with anthony ", I said

"Oh ", she said

"So he isn't booked on smackdown !, nattie asked

"No I think he went to get his tux for the wedding ", I said

"Has you started to look for dresses ", they asked

"No I haven't started any thing but Sunday I'm going to look for dress and I want you guys to come with me ", I said

" yayy ", they said

"I can't come cause I'm going to hawaii remember to stay with jon's Mom ", trinity said

"Oh yea I forgot ", I said as someone hugged me from behind and lifted me up .

"Woooo ", I said frightened and I was john

"I didn't even she him coming ", brie said

"Me either ", the rest said

"Hey my Love " , john said kissing me

"Hey I thought you were booked on smackdown ", I asked

"I'm not booked but I was worried about you ", he said

"Oh you don't have to worry remember she's our baby girl too ", they said

"Yea ", he said hugging me

"Where's anthony ", I asked

"He's with my mom ", john said

"Oh I didn't even tell him bye when I was leaving ", I said

"Well you better call him cause he's upset ", john said

"Really ", I asked laughing

"Yes , you know anthony always acts like he is your boyfriend or something ", john said

"He is very protective over her ", nattie said

"Nicole I will soon be back , I'm going to find bryan ", john said as he walked away

"He is obsessed with you ", nattie said

" I know right ", I said

"Here's the next one that's obsessed with you ", alicia said as dolph walked up to us

"Hey girls ", he said hugging us

"Hey ", we all said as he left

" He is crazy " , I said

John's Pov

After smackdown , Nicole and I went to dinner the we went home . We maked out a little then made love in our bed and it feld amazing .

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