Gotta Go !!

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Nikki's Pov

John and I went to court today and the judge said liz suppose to have anthony in the week for the time being until everything is settled . After we left the court we went to my mom's House to get the kids .

"What happen ", my mom asked

"She's going to get him until it's settled ", I said tearing up

"Yea " , john said

"I feel so sorry for him ", kathy said

"Me too cause anthony and I have gotten so close in the last year ", I said crying

"Yea and he has a sister now I don't want my kids to live in a different household , sophia is just starting toknow anthony at two months and now he is gone ", john

"Just pray that evrything will come through ", kathy said

"Yea we have to go child services is coming for anthony soon ", I said

"Ok ", she said as john took up anthony and I took up the baby cause they were sleeping and I went in the back with sophia

We got home and put down the kids then changed our clothes and started packing anthony's Bag

"I am not sending a lot of clothes with him cause I have faith that we are getting him ", I said

"Plus when anthony came here she gave us five pair of clothes , liz is so fucking cheap , she needs to go buy clothes for him if she wants him ", john said as the baby started to cry

"I'm going for sophia ", I said as I went for her and came back

"There's my baby ", john said taking her and kissing her

"Mommy I'm hungry ", anthony said coming in the room

"I ordered chinese food it will be here soon ", I said hugging him

"Ok I'm finish , lets go downstairs ", I said as I took up his favourite toys and everything

* The door bell rang *

'I'll get it ", john said as he went and it was the food he collected it and came inside

"John give me sophia and share anthony's food " I said breastfeeding sophia

"So anthony , your mom want custody of you and the judge say that you have to stay with her in the week , so she will soon be here to get you ", john said

"But I hate her and I don't want to go dad , I'm going to miss nicole and sophia ", he said

"I know but you don't understand probably when you gets older ", john said hugging athony as he finished eating

"Are you finish feeding her ", john asked

"Yea going to burpt her now ", I said as john took her

"I'm going spend some time with my kids ", john said kissing me and he went around the back and I sat in the couch and was on my phone then brie was calling me on facetime

Brie - hey sister

Me - hey

B - whats wrong

M- remember how liz wanted custody well she got it

B - I'm so sorry

M - yea it's fine

B- where is he

M- john took him and sophia around the back to play

B - oh I'm sorry

* door bell *

M - brie I'll call you back or come look for you they are here for him

B - ok

I got up and opened the door

"Hello mrs. Cena , we are her to get Anthony Felix Cena ", the lady said as liz was looking on me

"Ok ", I said as I gave them his stuff

"Where is he ", liz said giving an attitude

"I'm coming he is around the back with his father ", I said to the lady as I went around the back

"John , there here ", I said

"Ok ", john said getting up with the baby and we went to the door
"Hey anthony ", liz said

"Anthony we love you ", I said hugging him

"Yea I'm going to miss my sister ", he said as john made him hug her and he hugged him

"Thank you for your coorperation ", the lady said looking in the house as nicole pulled the door

"Do I have something for you ", I asked

"No ", she said as we closed the door

"It's gonna be ok ", john said hugging me from behind as he kissed my neck

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