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Nikki's Pov

We got to the restaurant and everyone was there .

"Hey guys ". Everyone said hugging me , John,  carol and the kids
"I miss yall the last time I came down there I didn't get to see you guys ", I said

"I know I heard that this bitch fucked up again ", steve said holding John as I smiled

"Yepp ", I said

"Why ". Steve said

"It's ok though I got him on lock 🔒 down ", I said looking at John and smiling  as he hugged me

"Good  so let's order wine ". Matt said

"We don't drink ", john said holding my hands

"What the fuck ", steve said laughing

"Hey we got three kids here , where is your manners ", I said

"I'm sorry my nieces ", steve said taking hazel

"It's it weird that not one of you boys has I son , it's all girls ", nicole said

"Yea I know right ", matt said

"Talking about son John how anthony ", Steve asked

" he is the reason why nicole and I almost got an divorce,  from the I haven't seen him . Liz made it pretty clear that I'm the worst father and she does want him in this family so ", John said 🐼

"Woow ", matt said looking at nicole

"What he called me a bitch so ", I said

"Really ", coverly said

"Yepp ". I said

"He's saying what he was taught ", carol said as john was kissing my neck

"Hey we are right here ", matt said

"Im sorry ", John said laughing

After the lunch we went bck to the car 🚗 and carol took out her bags and left then we went home

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