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Nikki's Pov

Every one came from Hawaii yesterday . Anthony was sleeping in his room and john and I was in our room .

"Your birthday week was amazing ", John said holding me hand

"Yep , it's the best birthday I have ever had all because of you", I said going on top of him

"Thank you very much ", he said smiling

"I love you ", I said getting up

"I love you ", he said as he got up and hugged me from behind

"Let's go downstairs ", I said

"Ok fiance ", John said as we went in the couch

" Remember we have to be at the arena at noon for Raw ", I said

"Ugh . I don't want to leave by your side ". He said

"I will be there ", I said

"Ok I'm going to get anthony ready ", John said

"And I'm going to get ready ", I said going upstairs

John's Pov

I went in Anthony room and I waked him up .

"Daddy ", he said

"Yes it's time to get ready", I said

"Ok ", he said standing in the bed

"Hey , do you want nicole and I to get married and have kids , to go you a brother or sister ", I asked

"Yes please and nicole can be my mother ", he said

"You want that ", I asked

"Yes daddy ", Anthony said

" ok ", I said and I got him ready and I got myself ready also .

Anthony and I went downstairs and we saw nicole .

"Aww look at those two handsome faces ". Nicole said

"You look beautiful ", I said kissing her

We went to the Arena


We went to gorilla because staff meeting was going on . Everyone was in there .

"And here is the engaged couple ", Vince said as we smiled

"Thank you ", John and I said as we sat

"Can I get my ipad ", Anthony said as nicole gave it to him

"So everyone , we have visitors here tonight , I would like alicia and paige to show them around ", Mark said

"Yes sir ", everyone said

"The divas , I want to congratulate nikki and brie with their storyline . This story is benefiting all of you ", Vince said as everyone clapped

The meeting end

"Babe I'm going to Hunter to find out what event am I doing tonight ", John said kissing me

"Ok love you "I said

"Love you too ", he said as he took up anthony

"Where is my bride ", nattie said hugging me

"That's right ", I said

"Congratulations ", Trinity, Alicia and Paige said

"Thank you ", I said

"So where is your Groom ", brie asked

"He went to hunter ", I said

"Oh ", they said as John and anthony came back

"I'm back ", John said as Anthony came to me

"Why is Anthony so attracted to Nicole", Nattie asked

"Because she spoils him and he's a baby around her ", john said

"But he is a baby , he is three years old " , I said

"He expect me not to spoil him , but I already told him I'm going to spoil the heck out of my kids ", I said

" yea ", he said

"So just want to say congratulations ", they said

"Thank you ", we said

"This ring is amazing ", Alicia said

"I know I can get over how gorgeous this ring is ", I said smiling with John

" Good it cost 3 million ", john said as I kissed him

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