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Nikki's Pov

Sophia is one month today and today is the day john is going back to work .

"Umm do you have to work ", I said hugging john

"Yes that's how I take care of my family ", john said hugging me

"Your not going to be there when the baby is crying ", I said as she started crying

"See ", I said as john went to get her and came back

"My princess is very hungry ", john said as I took her and i breastfed the baby

"She is one month today ", I said

"I know right is has gotten so big ", john said

"Yea and her daddy is leaving us all alone ", I said as john hugged me from behind

"Stop I'll be back tonight ", john said " And I told you to come cause everyone would like to see the baby "

"But I thought she was to young ", I said

"Come pack her bag and or insteasd you go get ready and I'll get the baby things ", john said

John's Pov

I packed the baby's bag then I got sophia ready . I put her in her bouncer to play with anthony . I packed her stroller and her car seat in the car , then I got anthony's things in the car too and nicole came downstairs ..

"Are you ready ". I asked

"Yes honey ", she said taking sophia up and we went to the arena

Arena Nikki's Pov

"Sister , sister ", brie said running to me and we hugged as she look in john's hand to see the baby

"Hey ", I said

"Anthony ", brie said playing with him as he just hugged me while in my hands


"Nicole ". The divas said running to hug me and look at the baby

"She is so cute ", nattie said

"Just like nicole ".  Trinity said as dolph was just looking at up

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