God Forbid

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John Pov

I woke up and we were both naked again , nicole was sleeping for a long time . I went under the sheets and started eating her pussy . it was amazing , I licked it out and I went in deeper .

"Ouch ! ", nicole said holding my head and pulling me up

"Your up ", I said

"Do you know how that hurts , you can't be going so deep ", nicole said

"Can I go back down ", I  said as I hit his head

"No , I can't believe you woke me up by sucking my pussy ", Nicole said

"I'm a good husband ", I  said as he jumped down there and started sucking my pussy

"Ouch!!!!  ,  joohhnn !!! ", i said laughing and I got up
"You need to go clean you mouth and shower", she said

"Fine , your have a fine pussy  ", he said as he hit my vagina and went in the bathroom

Nicole's Pov

John is crazy , I can't believe he woke me up by eating me . he came out of the shower and I went to shower.  After I came out we got dressed .

"Are you ready ", john said hugging me from behind

"No everything I put on is big , I'm lossing alot of weight ", I said

"Because I have been working you out", he said as I smiled and went to put on a long maxi dress

"Let's go get my kids ", I said as we went in the car and we drove off

"I miss them so much ", john said

"I know me too ", I said , 40 minutes later we got to the house

"Nicole ", dad said hugging us

"Hey dad ", I said

"John ", dad said shacking his hands

"Hey jon ", john said

"Nicole when I took the kids , I expected you to be well rested not more tired , what have you been doing ", my dad said as I looked on john

"Why are you looking at me ", john said

"What have we been doing ", I said as my dad laughed

"The kids are sleeping ", dad said

"Ok let me get them ", john said as he put them in the car and buckle them down

"Thank you dad ", I said hugging him and he kissed my cheek

"I love you ", he said

"I love you too ", I said

"Bye ", we said as we drove off

"So when do you plan to talk back to your mom ", john said

"Don't even start that with me right now " , I said

"Look I know she disrespect me and stuff but , I don't want I'm the reason you don't talk to your mom ", he said

'Johnn", I said

"No look on the bright side , it something god forbid to happen to her and she died , you didn't talk to her before she died and I'm  the reason for that . we are going to end up break apart and I don't want to lose you ", john said holding his hands

"Ok…  ", I said as I let go of his hands and the car went quite for twenty minutes

"I'm not telling you this to hurt you , I love that's why I mentioned it ", john said as I said nothing

"Ok let me just shut up cause you look like you don't want to hear what I have to say ", john said

"Can you just please shut up ", I said as we got to the house and I came out of the car and took out the kids out of the car and I went upstairs and Hazel was sleeping . I went to lay down with sophia

John's Pov

Maybe I did something wrong , I just can't help her . I went upstairs in the bed by myself . I was watch raw then I went to bed

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