chapter 30

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John's Pov

I know jj is not coming to nicole's and I wedding because he doesn't like me but I don't think he should be taking it out on his sister . Nicole was in the bed sad as I went over to her and layed down behing her .

"Are you ok ". I asked

"I just really wanted him to be there and he's not coming because of fuckery ", nicole said crying

"Look at me , This is not the end of the world . Our wedding will survive with or without him so you need to stop crying ", I said kissing her

"Yea ". She said as she hugged me

"You know I love you ", I said

"I love you too ". She said

Nikki's Pov

I was in my room as I got ready and went in the elevator to the lobby to meet chelsea .

"Nicole ", chelsea said as i walked over to her

"Hey ". I said as anthony ran to me

"Mommy ", anthony said jumping on me

"Hey ", I said lifting him up and sitting with him

"Did you sleep good last night ", I asked

"Yep ", he said

"Whats up , where's your

Love  ( Nena )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora