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Nikki's Pov

John and I went in to my mom's house and she was just looking at me .

"Mom, I just want to say sorry for all the things I've said and the way I've been acting over one reason ", I said

"I know but nicole you have been acting very extra ", my mon said

"I know John, made me realize that and he helped me to get through all this ", I said as she hugged me and john

"Thank you and I'm so sorry ", she said to john

"Your welcome ", I said as we left and went home to Our kids

Hazel started crying as she say me .

"Oh my God, it's like she has a sensor on me to know when I'm coming ". I said taking her as she was pulling down my clothes

"I think she's hungry ", John said as I started breastfeeding her

"Hey are we going to still go on the family vacation ", I asked

"Yea , I want both of the family there ", he said

"You do know that your mom and my mom hate each other ", I said

"Yea that can change ". He said

"Ok, so where are we gonna go ", I said

"I wanted to go to St. Barts again but we already went there ", John said

" I didn't like St. Barts when using went ". I said

"Ok ", John said

"Umm I want to go to Dominican Republic ", I said

"Ok ", he said

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