Feel Good

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Nikki's Pov

We are still at carol's house and john went to smackdown last night . I'm having horrible morning sickness and I keep on throwing up .

"Nicole honey are you ok ". Carol asked

"Yea it's fine ", I said throwing up

"Are you sure ". She asked

"Yea ". I said as I washed out My mouth and brushed my teeth

"Mommy can I feel your belly ", anthony said

"Of course ", I said as he rubbed her belly

"I love my baby sister ". He said as I hold my belly cause I felt a pain

"Anthony honey get grandma ", I said as he went downstairs

"Grandma mommy doesn't feel good and she needs you ". He said as she  quickly went up there

"Nicole was wrong ", she said

"Can I get a cup of tea my belly is hurting amd the baby is kicking , I need to get a rest ", I said

I felt better , the next day . John wasn't back as yet .he is suppose to be back tomorrow . I am going out with my best friends : Kathy, Shawna, Chelsea, Julia and maya . I arrived at the restaurant with anthony as we went in .

"Hey baby momma ", shawna said hugging me

"Hey ", I said smiling

"Hey nicole ", everyone said hugging me

"Hi anthony " , kathy said as anthony came to me

"He's so attached to You , he doesn't like me ". Maya said

"He only knows chelsea and shawna ". I said .

"He's so handsome ". Kathy said

"Yes so how's you bundle of joy ", shawna said rubbing my belly .
"She is good , she's kicking right now ", I said

"Aww ", chelsea said

"Ouch !! ". I said

"Are you ok ", chelsea said

"Is it regular for contraction to start at six months ", I asked

"Umm not really ", julia said

"I don't feel good", I said

"Give me a minute " I said getting up with my phone and I called john .

John - hello

Me - hey babe

J- yea

M - I dont feel good and I'm having contractions

J- what I'll be on a plane and I call carol for you

M - ok

J - I love you

I went back

"Guys I'm sorry but I don't feel good , I need some air , I'm leaving ", I said as they said bye and I went outside and stood up

"We will make sure she's ok ". Shawna and chelsea said as we went downstairs

"Auch ", she said as she had to sit down

"Carol is here ", shawna said as everyone went to the hospital

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