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Nikki's Pov

I woke up by john kissing my neck

"Good morning you ", I said kissing him back

"Hey I was really feeling you ", john

"Yea ", I said

"I really feel sorry for brie ", john said

"Yea I can't believe he would kick her out and shes pregnant ", I said

"Thatys what I was saying , he has no heart ❤", john said

"Yea but she just have to face it ", I said

"Yepp ", john said as I got up then he came downstairs with me

"What you doing today", I asked

"Ohh just want to spend time with you ", john said having his hands on my waist

"Aww that's good " I said kissing him as brie walked up

"Morning guys ", brie said

"Morning ", we said as I was rubbing her belly

"Im gonna go to obgyn today" brie said

"Ok ", I said as she went in the living room

"So where were we ". John said

"I dont know ", I said kissing him as john phone rang

"Oh my god everytime I try ", he said answering the phone 📱 as I smiled

"I'm gonna check on the kids ", I said as he held me and kiss me one more time

"Ok ", I said going upstairs

"Hey my baby ", I said lifting hazel up

"Mommy am I going to school today ", sophia asked

"Yes baby ", I said as we went downstairs and john was off the phone

"What was that about ", I asked

"Umm carrano wants me to come to work now ", john said

"Why I thought we were gonna spend time together ", I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"I know we are gonna bring the kids to school and daycare then we go to the arena together . we can break in my locker room ", john said

"Huh… ok's gotten that back now ..we have to have sex in the locker room ", I said looking up at him

"Dont make me feel bad .. You look like hazel except your begging for sex ", john said

"I'm begging for sex. ... Oh baby your the one begging not me . you think if I didn't want to please you I would do this ", I said

"Ok ", john said as we showered then got the kids ready and we left

At the arena

John and I held hands walking in the arena .

"Oh if feel like im back were im suppose to be , I miss ", I said

"I know ", john said as we got to the locker room

"So where are you going first ", I asked

"Well we are going to take a walk 🚶 around this arena so you can see your friends", john said as we came out then we went to gorilla

"Lana " , i said hugging her

"Hey babe ", lana said as john went to talk to rusev

"Girl guess who is back ", lana said

"Who girl ", I asked

"Girl maryse ", she said

"What ", I said

"Yepp shes back ", she said

"Well as long as she leaves my man alone we are good ", I said as john came back hugging me

We then went to carrano's Office

"Hey cena's", he said

"Hey ",we said

"there is a reason why I wanted you here in person john but I know nicole isn't going to be happy 😄 about it ", he said

"What the hell are you up to mark", I said

"Well john maryse is coming back and you too are in a storyline together ", mark said as john sighed

"No im not ", john said

"Are you quiting ", he asked

"No ", john said

"You will be in a love storyline with maryse ", he said as nicole walked out then I went behind her

" look promise me that you can keep it up and dont allow us to go back wards ", I said

"promise ", he said

"I'm not evening in the mood for sex right now ", I said

We eventually had a five minute quicky in the locker room

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