Do you

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Nikki's Pov

John and anthony came back from the park then we were playing with him .

" Anthony do you want to live with us ", john asked

"Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! ", he said as I smiled

"Hey nicole what do you think about taking liz to court for custody ", john asked

"I think that it's not fair to her that. You take anthony from her because he is her only company , if I had a son I would not want you taking him from me especially when I have'nt done anything wrong ", I said

"Fine , your picking up for her you better be giving me a baby soon ", he said

"Sure but got to put a ring on it ", I said showing him finger as he laughed

"Come on anthony let's get you to bed ", I said as I put him to bed then going in to my room as I climbed on top of john

"Oh this is the position I want to get you pregnant in ", he said

"You keep talking about babies and I'm gonna get pregnant till I'm married atleast a fiancè ", I said holding john hands and I kissed his neck

"Ok you are in quite the mood ", he said kissing me as we locked the door and made love that night

John's Pov

I woke up and went for anthony , I got him something to eat and I was feeding him

"I want nicole to feed me ", anthony said

"But she is sleeping ", I said

"I want nicole ", he said crying as nicole came downstairs

"Whats wrong ", nicole asked

"Anthony is crying that he wants you to feed him ", I said

"Oh ", she said as she took him and went to feed him

"People on the streets would think your his mother the way he cries for you ", I said

"Oh a lady on the road was like , oh mam you so is adorable , I was like ohhh it's not my son ", nicole said

"Lol ", i said

"I have something for anthony ", she said as I gave him a xbox and he was so happy

" nicole I want a one month vacation ", i said

"Remember I have work to do so I don't know as yet ", nicole said

"Oh mad ", I said

"Don't worry I'll fine a way to spend time with you ", she said as she kissed me

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