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Nikki's Pov

It's been three weeks since the argument,  I did filed for divorce but John didn't sign the paper . I have marriage council with John today and I haven't seen him from I went at carol for the kids . I drove to the council's office and I went inside

"Hi my name is nicole ", I said

"And you are married to John right ", mr. Johnson said

"Yea ", I said

"Ok I want you over that corner so that your not in contact with each other ", he said

Ten minutes after

"Is he coming ", he asked

"His mother said he was coming but typical John he's late ", I said
"I'm here ", John said busting through the door

"Hi 👋 mr. Cena ". Mr. Johnson said

"Hi 👋 I'm sorry I'm late ", john said

"It's fine ", the counselor said

"So John you want to go first and tell me what happened ", mr. Johnson said

"So I have a son named anthony outside of nicole and I 's marriage , I had him about the same time we met each other . Nicole says he hates her now , so one day we got in a big argument. , throwing stuff and everything and the kids was there ". John said as he explained

"How hold is the kids ", council asked

"One is five years old and one is six months old ", John said

"Wow congratulations ", he said

"Thank you",  John said

"Nicole it's your time to talk now ", he said

"Ok one day I discovered that his son hates me , I told him he did believe me , the very next day he brought him at the house , while he was at the house he tripped my five year old and pinched my new born baby , I was upset then he called me a bitch , I was furious but of course John thought his son is a saint . The other day he wanted to bring his son back to house I said no , so he got upset and I didn't care because I said no . then he started cussing at me and I was upset he told me about my dead grandfather so I hit him with a glass . When he told me about papap it was forgivable but when he hit me with his hands and threw my wedding gift 🎁 I gave him at me . I was DONE !! And I gave him back the two rings ", I Said

"Wow !! Ok ", mr. Johnson said

"Has sophia asked about the problem as yet ", he asked

"No ", John said

"No " I said

"The fact that she hasn't asked means that she is scared it will cause you guys to separate ". He said

"How long have you been together not married  together ", he asked

"Um about seventeen years ", john said

"You guys have been together a very long time don't make this be the reason for a divorce . I've learned that this year would be the fifteen year of marriage and every five year , you John upgrade nicole's ring , so this is the year for ring three right John". He said

"Yea ", John said with watery eyes

"Do you love her ", he asked

"Yes I do ", John said

"Do you love him ", he asked

"Yes ", I said

"So you guys will contact each other again and put the divorce papers a side right ", he said

"Yes ", I said

"Yes ", John said

"Ok anything you do remember that there are two beautiful children involved in this " , he said

"Ok nice meeting you guys and I hope I don't see you guys in my office again ", he said  as john and I got up then he got the door for me and walked me to my car with his hands on my waist

"I'll talk to you later ", john said opening my car 🚗 door and it was awkward

"Ok thanks ", I said as I drove to dinner with shawna and the kids

"So how was everything ", shawna asked

"It was good , I never think I would say this but there might be an chance between us ", I said

'great ", she said

"The Council,  told us what we did wrong and everything , he walked me to my car and everything it was great ", I said

"That's good though ", shawna said

"Yea I love seeing my kids happy 😄 and smilig ", I said

"Yea ", shawna said

"They are always happy 😄 but they are just happier around john ", I said

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