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Nikki's Pov

one week ago was the vacation in Dominican Republic . I was very nauseous and john was at work from morning . I took a pregnancy test and it was positive , I started crying because I wanted to focus on my career . John just came home and the kids were sleeping .

"Hey babe , whats up ". John said kissing me and I kissed him back

" come here ", I said holding his hands and going upstairs

"I'm worried cause you seem upset ", he said

"Well your going to be happy ", I said as we walked into my dressing room and went to my desk

"what , I don't see anything ", he said

"John look down on the desk", I said holding his waist

"Are you for real ", John said hugging me up

"Yea ", I said as john was touching my belly

"So why you don't seen happy ", he asked

"I am but , I haven't gotten I chance to start modeling after hazel so it's like I'm gonna have to not go again ", I said

"Oh I'm really sorry ", he said hugging me

"Yea ", I said as we went back downstairs and lay down

"We can tell people on our christmas cards", he said

"I agree , I'm one month pregnant though ", I said

John's Pov

Nicoe is three months pregnant and everything is going good , her bump is growing and she was sleeping with our five months year old daughter as I went with them.

"John ", nicole said as I rubbed her belly

"The baby is starting to kick ", I said

"Yea I know , really hard too ", nicole said

"The baby is strong like mommy and daddy ". I said

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