Birthday in hawaii

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Nikki's POV

Today is my Birthday and John, my mom , bryan ,brie , JJ, Lauren,  my dad , anthony is in hawaii with me for my birthday .
John , Anthony and I got ready and went down to the lobby for breakfast .

"How is my birthday girl ", John said holding me hand

"I'm great , happy I am spending  my birthday with my family ", I said

"Yea ", he said as my family came downstairs

"It's the birthday girl ", JJ said hugging me

"That's right ", I said as everyone sat

"Hey not because I'm not the one who paid for this  trip doesn't mean it's  my birthday too ", brie said as I laughed

"We know ", Dad said hugging Brie as bryan kissed her

"So what's  the plan for tonight ". Kathy ( my mom) asked

"Umm we are  carry brie and Nikki to dinner ", bryan and John said

"Ok ", she said

We finished ate breakfast and went in the pool with anthony

"You want to show nicole how to swim ", John asked

"Yes please ", Anthony said as he swam to me

" Good Boy ", I said holding him

"I love you ", John said coming over to us and kissing me

"I love you too ", I said as he held my waist

" you are so hot, I can't wait to have you in bed tonight ", he said

"John Anthony is here " , I said


We went up stairs and every one got ready to go to dinner , we got a babysitter to keep anthony cause we are going to hit the club after dinner . I wore a black tight dress with a diamond necklace that john bought me some years ago.  The limo came and we all went and arrive at the restaurant .

"How are my queens ", dad said

"We are amazing", we said as I sat beside John

"How are you ", John asked

" I am amazing", I said

We laughed and talked all night  until John started talking

John's Pov

"Nicole I just want to tell you happy birthday , Kathy and  mr Jon here brought the love of my life into the world 28 years ago and I'm blessed to have her in my life.  You are the most beautiful woman in the world and you love me for myself and  that's  what  I  love the most about you.  You have taken my son into your life as your own and I really hope that we can have kids of our own,  I love you for you and I hope we can have many more years ahead of us ( i went on my knees  ) Stephanie Nicole  Garcia-Cloace WILL YOU MARRY ME  ? ", I said as she smiled


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