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Nikki's Pov

Last night I got home , I slept with sophia and Hazel. Alexia was in her room. The next day I woke up I went in my bed to lay down .

"What's up,  I saw the pictures on instagram ," alexia said

"I'm just tired of living my life that way ", I said

"I'm sorry girl ", alexia said hugging me and was coming out then John was coming in and I was shocked to see him here

"You are here I thought you would be gone ", John said ad I was looking at him

"Look nicole I am sorry ", he said again

"you had me messed up , it's like everytime you go out and it affects our relationship 💑 is beacause of randy . if we are gonna make this work you got to sacrifice some things for me ", I said

"Anything you want ". John said holding my hand

"Randy got to go ", I said

"Fuck randy he's gone ". John said

"The drinking has to stop ", I said

"Fuck it water and juice ". John said

"Ok ", I said

"So can I come kiss you ", john said

"Your mom is the reason I'm doing this , she care so much after I saw her break down like that ", I said

"She has never done that , that's the way I know your a keeper ", John said as I gave him a little smile 😃

"Ok ". I said as john was coming to kiss my lips as I turned my face and he kissed my cheek

"I love you ", John said as the baby 👶 started crying then he went for her and came back to give me her and I breastfed her

Later that evening alexia went to brie's and I was downstairs with the kids

"Daddy ", sophia said going to John

"Hey baby 👶", John said lifting her up

"Last night , mommy slept with me ". She said

"She did ", John said looking at me and smiled

"Yea ", sophia said

"Ok ", John said come sitting beside me

"Everything ok ", John asked

"Yepp ", I said as John was hugging me

"I love you and I promise you from this day on I will get myself together ", john said

"I love you too ", I said as I gave him a peck of kiss

"Thank you ", John said

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