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Nikki's Pov

I woke up this morning and call 📱 my dad and was on the phone 📱

Dad-hey Nicole whats up

Me - I'm great

D-so what's popin

M-just all these argument in our family and that's not what family is about

D-are you fucking kicking me that's why you called

M-yes that's why I called all this between you,  brie and alexia is crazy

D - I can't believe I raised you guys , they have no manners to me
M - they are getting big you expect them to be like bryan and nikcoy call 📱 daddy daddy all the time

D - Look I don't give a fuck about them and I never will

M - I came in this conversation calmly and now you make me regret calling you and even talking to you . When ana leaves you don't call 📱 us

D - Really

M - Yes really.  You only call 📱 me when your getting a divorce and you need money.  So I guess you kinda need to leave me out of all this shit then

D - atleast ana and I  aren't fighting and throwing stuff at each other like you and John

(John was walking downstairs with alexia )

M - you know what fuck you , your wife and your twins . It's agood thing you had twins to replace brie and I

I hanged up

"What was that cussing all about ", alexia asked smiling

"Mother fucking Jon Garcia ". I said

"I told you once you called him , you would start cussing ", she said

"But Nicole you were dishing him out ", John said

"I know he said why am I telling him all these stuff", I said as tge door bell rang

"I'll get it ", john said as he went to get it then him and brie walked in then he went upstairs

"What's wrong ", brie asked

"Well dad and I just got into it ", I said

"Oh really ", brie said hugging alexia

"Hey sis ". I said

"Hey I didn't even know that your here , you didn't call 📱 or anything", brie said

" why would I and I know you were coming over here today,  so Surprise 🎁", alexia said

"Ok good,  you are getting so big ", brie said

"I know , oh my gosh look at you , you look fricking good . No kids have yet ', alexia said

"Nope , not like this one ", brie said

"What's that suppose to mean , alexia don't wait until your old to have kids " I said as we started laugh

"Nicole ", John said from upstairs

"I'l be back ". I said to the girls going to John

"Yea ", I said

"I'm going by my mom's tomorrow like how it's our anniversary ", he said

"That would mean so much to her ". I said as John hugged me as I tip toed and kissed him

"Sometimes I wish I could keep you to myself ". John said rubbing my butt

"I know , we wouldn't leave this room ", I said

"That's fine with me , umm randy want to take me nd some other men to the club tonight but I'm not staying long just about two hours and I'm home ". John said

"Hmmn….. Randy , I don't really like him for you but like how your any spending two hours it ok", i said

"Ok thanks '. John said as he kissed me and I went back downstairs

"So brie tell us what happened with you and jon garcia cause he doesn't deserve the term daddy " , I said

"So I was going to see nanna and he wanted too see me ", brie said

"Oh shit ". Alexia said

"I told him no and he insisted then I told him that I had no time for him right now and I specifically told him that do not toake offense to it ", brie said

"But he did", brie said as alexia laughed

"All this is funny 😄 dad isn't nice , he was never nice ", she said

"He even block me on instagram ", brie said

"Really he didn't block me , are you sure it's the right Profile ", I said going in instagram

"Yes I'm certain ". Brie said

"No I can still see his stuff , Holy shit did you know dad's having a baby 👶", I said

"What your crazy ". Alexia said

"There it says welcome our baby 👶 boy ". I said showing them "Ana is pregnant ", I said

"He doesn't even care for his kids but he's bringing nore into the world ", brie said

"Wooh he just blocked me ". I said

"I knew that was coming ", brie said

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