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Nikkis Pov

I woke this morning and went to check my phone . I got a message from liz . she was inviting me to anthony's graduation .

"Morning ", john said hugging me from behind

"Nothig liz just sent me an invitation to anthony's grafuation ", I said

"Really ", john asked

"Yea ", I said as the sophia started to cry and john went for her

"Hey my baby ", I said

"I can't believe she's eight months now", john said

"I know right ", I said kissing her

"So when is the graduation ", john asked

"Umm tomorrow ", I said

"OK ", john said

The next day
I woke up and I made breakfast. After that I got Sophia ready and got her dressed . john and I showered then put on our clothes and we went to the graduation. We got there before it started, we drove up beside of Liz car and john came out first .

" daddy ", Anthony said hugging me

" he big boy ", John said

" morning ", john said to Liz

" morning ", Liz said as I came out with the baby

" mommy ", Anthony said hugging me

" hey how are you ", I said

" fine ", he said

" hi ", I said to Liz as she said hi

Anthony and I went back in the car

John's POV

I was standing with Liz

" so you did you decide to invite Nicole ", I asked

" well its what he wants , he shouted at me yesterday and said that he wants to go back to his mom and that hurted me ". She said

" ohh ", I said as we went in side Nicole was on my right and Liz was on my left .

" I can't believe he is getting so big ", Nicole said as Sophia stretched for me as I took her

" if you want you can have anthony for the weekend ", Liz said

" why are you being so nice ", I asked

" Anthony wants to be with his sister ", she said

" but I could carry her myself so it still doesn't explain why you invited Nicole ", I said

" what you didn't want her to come ", she said

" no I'm just curious ", I said

" well I admire the way she treats him and god forbid I anything happen to me I want her to take care of him. ", liz said

" ok ", I said

" she is so cute ", Liz said playing with Sophia as she smiled

" I know right , she is Nicole one's self ", I said as the kids matched , anthony looked so cute .

We had dinner with Liz and everyone then we went home

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