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Nikki's Pov

Still outside with John and sophia

"So you don't want me and daddy to be all lovey-dovey around you ", I asked

"Yes it just make me want to vomit cause your my parents ", sophia said

"Ok ", john said hugging me

"Come on we need to go get ready for the family dinner tonight remember all of your aunt , uncles and everyone is going to be here . I got to look good ", I said getting up as john smiled

"Yes you do ", john said lifting sophia up

"Hazel my baby , think you're for keeping her ", I said taking her from carol

"Anytime , are you Gonna start getting ready", carol said

"Yea , two kids plus myself is hard to get ready ", I said

"So why is he here to look ", carol said to John as I looked at him

"Can't you give me a break ", john said getting upset and he took the baby then went upstairs

"I'm sorry ", I said

"It's fine ", she said as I went upstairs and john ws just putting the baby  down to sleep

"Are you ok ", I asked hugging him

"Yea I just feel that everyday she comes and critize me ", john said kissing me the sophia walked in and we puled apart .

I showered sophia and john got her dressed. I wiped up hazel and got her dressed then I gave her to matt downstairs . John and I showered together and had sex while showering . We got dressed and went downstairs holding hands. I went for hazel and the house  was filled with family members of John's .

"Can I show her and Sophia off ", john said taking her

"Sure , I'll just step back and watch you do your thing ", I said

"I want you to come ", john said holding my hand as walked over to some people

"Hey cuz ", they said

"Hey what's up , this is my wife Nicole and my kids", john said

"Wow john you did good ", his cousin bryan said

"Yea everyone is getting so big and mature ", they said as john was rubbing my back going down

"I know right ", john said as I lifted up sophia

"Mommy,  I want uncle sean ", sophia said

"Ok there he is ", I  said pointing at him as she went

John's Pov

I walked away from my cousinsand walked to my aunt .

"Hey Aunt marcie ", I said

"Oh my god john You have gotten so big ", she said

"Yea I know this is my wife Nicole and my daughter hazel ", I said

"Hi  nice to meet you,  so you have two children.  Antony and hazel ? ", she said hugging me then she sat back down

"No I have three kids ", I said

"What , you have two kids with nicole ? " , she asked

"Yes ", I said

"How old are they ", aunt marcie said

"Well anthony is ten years old,  sophia is five years old and Hazel is one month ", I said

"Congratulations on the new baby ", she said to Nicole

"Thank you so much ", nicole said

"Mommy ", sophia said as nicole lifted her up

"Yes honey ", she said

"Is hazel going to her  bed early I want to play with her ", sophia said

"She is so adorable ", marcie said

"Sophia this is my aunt Marcie", I said

"Hi Aunt marcie , your pretty", sophia said

"Aww your pretty yourself , nice to meet you ", marcie said hugging her

"Thank you ", sophia said

"Your family is adorable John , I should come visit you sometime what is your number ", she asked if gave her

"Thank you ", I said

After that we went to sit beside of steve and we had dinner. 

"So I just want to make an announcement,  I'm happy 😄 that my oldest brother is here after twelve years of not seeing him , I kniw he can be a little tough on my but that's what brothers do , I hope you continue to succeed as you go along,  I'm happy 😄 you cane back. We all missed you , TO STEVE !! ", I said

"To steve ", everyone said

People said there speeches and everyone left the house about two am in the morning and we went to bed .

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