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Nikki's Pov

It's sophia fifth birthday today and anthony and I are putting the things together . Mom just came back from the store . It's been a months since john is gone , i haven't heard from him but i heard they took away all phone of the tour and I'm eight months pregnant now . Sophia is at Lauren and JJ's house playing with there son Edward. 

"It's it time to start get ready ", anthony ask

"Yes it is because lauren just left her house ", I said as anthony went to get ready and I did my make up and showered . I put on a cream dress and sandals . Everyone started to arrive . Shawna , Chelsea , Katy , Brie , Brie , Wade , Alicia , Nattie , Eva , Kelly , Roman , Ruth , Lana , Randy , Jon , Trinity,  Sasha , Rosa and her baby . Everyone brought there kids

"Nicole sophia is here ", mom said as anthony and I went downstairs to her

"Happy Birthday baby ", I said as she ran to me

"Thank you mommy ", she said

"I have a suprise for you ", I said as we walked around the back and everyone yeld SUPRISE !!!

"Aunty brie ", she said running to brie and she got excited and happy

"Hey my princess ". Brie said as she hugged me

"You are so big ", brie said

"Do you have to remind me of it everyday ", I said as she laughed

"Hey nicole ", Jon uso said as he lifted up sophia

"Hey sophia,  happy birthday ", he said

"Hey ", I said

"Thank you uncle jon ", she said

"Your welcome darling ", he said

"Where is trinity and the kids ", I said

" they are on there way ", he said

"Oh ok ", I said

"So nicole , how is john ", chelsea said as we sat down

"Well the last time I talk to him I found out that he cheated and we had an argument but I try not to stress out because the kids ", I said

"So are you gonna forgive him when he comes back ", she asked

"Well he is my husband I have one child for him and another on the way ", I said

"Yea , I don't really think that he ment to hurt you ", she said

"Yea I know but I got harmones and I miss him im not lying but im hurt", I said

"Yea don't worry about it ", chelsea said

"Yea thank you for being my best friend ", I said as she hugged me

"Yea I don't want anything to do you or my godbaby ", she said as I smiled and I went to natty and the other girls

"Hey guys thank you for coming ", I said

"Yea I couldn't miss sophia's Birthday,  look at her  ", nattie said as sophia was in the bounce - a - Bout with the kids

"I can't believe she is not going to be my first born anymore ", I said

"Yea I know ", eva said

"Nicole ", my mom said

"Yea ", I said going over to her

"Next five minutes the cake will arrive ", she said

"Ok ", I said driving some water then I put down the glass

"My first granchild getting so big ", I said as anthony came to me

"Im gonna stay the night cause it gonna be too late to head home ", he said

"Ok ", I said as I felt someone hugging me from behind and kissed my neck

It Was John !!

Tears just fell instantly , he carried me inside the house to talk .

"Whats up,  do you want to talk ", john said

I nodded no

"Ok babe ", he said kissing me as I kissed back

"John you have no idea how much I missed you ", I said

"I know I missed you too and our kids ", he said rubbing my belly

"How did you get to come here ". I said

"I mde you a promise , that I would be here for sophia's birthday and the birth of our next child and I wasn't gonna break it ", he said

"Ok I love you so much ", I said

"I love you too honey , where is my princess ", john said

"She is outside playing ", I said as we held hand and went downstairs

"Sophy ", john said

"Daddy !! ", sophia said as she jumped in his hands

"Happy Birthday day princess ", John said as he gave her her gift

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