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Nikki's Pov

John carried our stuff from my mom's to our house , Carol went home with john last night and I'm still at the hospital with the baby . I'm getting discharged today and I just showered the baby and got her ready . I showered and I got dressed then the nurse came in .

"Ok nicole , your blood pressure is down and the baby is healthy so you can call your husband to come and get you ", the nurse said

"Oh thank you , he is already on his way ", I said

"Ok ", the nurse said as john walked in

"Hey babe ", john said hugging me

"Woo your so tall ", the nurse said

"I'm I tall or is you short ", john said

"I think your tall , ok bye nicole you may leave ", the nurse said walking out

"Hey ", I said

"Whats up ", john said kissing me

"Nothing I'm just ready to go home ", I said

"how is my baby Hazel ", john said

"She is great and sleeping ", I said

"Ok let's go ", john said rubbing my butt

"You starting already ", I said smiling

"Yes I am ", john said laughing and taking up the baby's car seat

" ok ", I said as we left .

We got home

" Mommy ", sophia said as she hugged me

" hey baby ", I said

"Mommy I missed you ", sophia said as carol cane down the stairs
"I missed you too ", I said as john went upstairs to put down the baby in the crib

"What did you name the baby ", carol asked

" umm hazel nicole Cena ", I said

"Oh wow that's beautiful ". Carol said

"Mommy can I wake hazel up ", sophia asked

"No baby she's asleep ", I said as I went upstairs and packed out my hospital bag

"Hey ", john said pulling me closer to him

"Hey ", I said kissing his neck

"Shouldn't you be asleep while the baby takes a nap ", john said

"Yes but I'm not tired ", I said as he slapped me and I went down stairs

"Mommy I'm hungry ", sophia said as I went in the kitchen and I gave her macaroni 

"You know I don't know how you do it ", carol said

"Do what ", I asked

"Well be a mom , cook for your family and always have john on his good side "carol said

"Well he is not always on his good side but I try ", I said

"You guys are so in love , no one can come between you guys ", carol

"I guessing john didn't tell you what he did ", I said

"What no ", she said

"Baby go to daddy ", I said to sophia

"Umm john cheated on me ", I  said

" What ", she said

"Yea I try not to bring it up cause I don't want him to get upset but everytime I look at him I remember him and mickie ", I said

"When did this happen " , she asked

"While i was pregnant when he went on the japan shows for two months ", I said

"I'm so sorry ", carol said hugging me as I shed a tear

"No it's ok I love him so I don't make it bother me but the reality is I'm hurt inside ", I said

"Ok ", she said as I went upstairs to bed .


I was downstairs with my mom and nicole and the kids are sleeping .

"How could you cheat on her ", mom said hitting me

"Umm I .. She told you ", I said

"Yes , she wanted someone to talk to ", mom said

"Look I was drunk ", I said

"You are so careless , do you know she is hurt , she was just crying when I was talking to her ", mom said

"I had no idea that she felt that way ", I said

"Look you need to fix this unless your gonna lose you wife and kids , I don't kniw hiw the fuck you cheated on her and she has been there for you through everythinh . liz , anthony , court and everything ", mom said

"Ok ", I said

"I don't want to see her crying ", she said

"Fine what am I suppose to do ", I asked

"Your the one who hurt her and couldn't keep you dick in your pants so fix it ", she said

"Ok ", I said

The next day , I made reservations to go to dinner and I ordered flowers for her . I made her breakfast and I carried it upstairs to give her .

"Morning Sunshine ", I said kissing her

"Morning and thank you for breakfast in bed ", nicole said

"Your welcome and we are going scales 69 tonight for dinner ", I said

"Ok who will keep the kids ", nicole said

"We can bring them ", I said

"Ok ", she said as the baby started crying

"Can you go for her please ", nicole asked as I went for her and she stopped crying amd looking up at me

"Hey hazel,  mommy and daddy loves you . you know who else love you , your sister sophia ", I said

"Your so cute with her ", nicole said as I gave her to nicole to breastfeed her

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