What Happened ?

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Nikki's Pov

John and I were home with the kids . Hazel was sleeping while sophia was downstairs and John just came in the room nd locked the door .

"is something about to happen , why did you lock 🔒 the door ", I asked

"Yes I was hoping we could have a little fun ", John said kissing my neck

"John before all that I want to talk to you ", I said

"Ok whatys up ", John asked

"Well you know my little sister alexia is getting big , she's almost 16 ", I said

"Yea ", he said

"Well you know she always calls me for advice and she was talking about breaking her virginity, she wanted to know if it hurts , what happens ", I said

"Is she even ready for that ", he said

"You know her mother , she allows her to do anything . So I wanted to ask you how did you feel when you were breaking my virginity ", I asked

"Well we were comfortable,  in a relationship 💑 ', he said

"Yea it was painful for me because I feel like your dick is huge ", I said

"well that's true , we weren't married but we were serious , she has to be comfortable.  I want you to be comfortable and thank go you didn't bleed ", John said

"Yea that was the scarest thing for me ", I said

"Yea but I've been meaning to ask , you were in a relationship 💑 with dolph". John said

"Yea ", I said looking up

"So why wasn't he the one that broke your virginity ", John asked

"Well I wanted to wait until marriage , years after he brought it up and I was willing to do it for him because he was waiting a long time on me . so one day he came kissing me started stripping me and pulled out his penis ready to push it in , he placed his penis on my vagina pushing in but I stopped him ". I said

"Wow why ? ". John said

"Because I wasn't comfortable in the place I wad in.  So he got upset stopped talking to me then I met you", I said

"When you met me what made your mind change about wait until marriage thing ", John asked

"Well I wad getting old and no one wanted to marry me and I wanted to have kids , but when I got pregnant I lost the baby 👶 and that made me in love with you more because your also making me comfortable and you stook by my side when all that happened ". I said

"I know I love you ". John said ad I kissed him

"Now that's all done let's have sex ",, I said kissing johns neck

We had one round of sex .

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