still in love

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Nikki's Pov

I'm so excited I'm having a girl . I haven't decided what to name her as yet . I was at the arena with brie sitting in gorilla .

"How is my baby ", brie said rubbing my belly

" she is amazing ". I said as dolph walked up

"Hey ladies ", he said

"What's up nick ", we said

"It's nice seeing you here " , he said

"Yea I can't wait to be back in the ring ", I said

"Yea ", he said

"Are your family coming tonight ", I said

"Yea , you'll say hi to my mom ". He said

"I'll say hi to your mom , I love your mom ". I said

"Does your mom likes nicole ", brie asked

"Of course she likes me , everyone does ", I said

"Yea that's true ", dolph said smiling

"But you should have heard the things I said about you after everything ", he said again

"Nick ", I said

"Nick you need to stop flirting ", brie said

"I'm not flirting ", he said

"Brianna your making it weird ", I said

"Probably from my perspective it looks flirty ". She said

"No probably it's because , umm I still kinda have feelings for you ". Dolph said

"Nick……… he's being funny ". I said

"Umm he's being flirty ". Brie said

"Say just kiding ", I said

"Can I talk to you ", he said as I got up

"If she's not back in five minutes , I'm coming ", brie said

"She'll be back in five minutes , relax ", he said

"I got to protect her ", she said

"Where ", I said walking with dolph

"Follow me ", he said as we went in front of a bus

"What ! , Nick why are you making things weird ". I asked

"No your making this weird , after seven we have been hanging out and not in the friendship way and you want to make it weird now ", he said

"No your making it weird when you didn't say just kinding ", I said

"I wasn't kinding ", he said

"I don't know. , I just feel like I'm disrespecting john and I don't want to ", I said

"I love you,  we shared our bodies together , I told you not to marry him amd you did , that's fine . Then you get pregnant , I'm hurt , the only thing that won't hurt me is if you come back ", he said

"Dolph NO !! , I'm married to the best man on the earth and I'm having his baby ", I said

"Well I thank you should divorce him and come to me ", he said holding my hand and coming to kiss me as I was pushing him off as brie came

"Dolph stop ", brie said as he came off her as he came off me

"Honestly dolph , don't talk to me , I tried to be friends but your just pushing my buttons with me ", I said as brie and I walked away

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