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Brie's pov

It's about three months since brtan gave me the money go doctor and our relationship has got better . I'm still stayung with nikki and john

Nikki-s Pov

I woke up beside of john and he was hugging my waste , I removed his hands and turned arround facing him as he woke up .

"You look so cute while sleeping ", I said

"Nah your cuter ", john said kissing me morning

"Aww your so sweet ", I said

" what time is it ". John asked

"Time for breakfast ', I said getting up and he held my hands getting up to

"Can you get me something to eat ", john said walking 🚶 down the stairs

" do you want me ". I asked as I walked in the kitchen and brie eas already in there

"I wouldn't mind ", john said hugging me

"Morning ", I said sitting

"Hey ". Brie said

"Hey ". John said

"You guys are very interesting ", brie said as john laughed

" well our relationship has gone in a rot ", john said

"No we have not ,, we've had sex for the last three night ", I said

"Wow ! I wish I had sone action ", brie said

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