Want him back

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John's Pov

I just got nack from the grocery store and went upstairs to my room

"Hey guys ", I said

"Hey your back ", nicole said

"Yea , anthony can you go in your room while I talk to your mom ",  I said

"Yea ", he said as he came out

"What was that for ", nicole asked

"Umm liz said I could keep anthony and now she said that she doesn't want him over here so I should tke him home ", I said

"From liz shouted at me , I don't really care about her I mean I love anthony but she is full of shit and I can't do anything about this  , I'm sad but I just don't care ", nicole said

"I just hate her , she right there is going to let me not take care of him or don't want to see him because of ger behaviour ", I said as nicole kissed me

"It's ok carry him back them come home cause you have me and sophia ", nicole said

"Yea I'll soon be back , I love you ", I said

"I love you too ", nicole said kissing me as I took sophia

"I'm gonna bring her ". I said

"Ok ", she said

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