Unexpected things

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5 Days Later...

Elsa's POV

     Ugggh!!! It's already been 5 days days but the ring still hasn't been found, maybe I'll ask Mavis again later. But before that, I still have to finish this exam. Yeah, It's our finals today. Well, it's not that hard actually.

     I look beside me to see Jack so serious about the test. I giggle a bit. He looks so serious but I bet that he is already panicking in his mind. Hehe. Good luck Jack.

     I look back at my test paper. I hope my name will be put in the bulletin board in the next day so that I wouldn't repeat this school year. I hope Jack's too. And I also hope that the ring will come today.

Jack's POV

      Ugghh!!! This is so hard! But luckily, I studied my notes yesterday so I still remember some of these. Geez, studying is really a pain in the ass but Hiccup kept on insisting me to study with him. 'Cause he have no other choice, Merida will pinch him. Heh. I saw Merida pinch Hiccup's ear once and  it turned so red. Guess he learned his lesson to never mess with Merida. Sigh they really have cute bondings hahah.

     Now that I mentioned about bondings, Elsa and I never bond ever since. I really should make my move. But before I think of  that, I need to finish this pain-in-the-ass exam.

Lunch Break.....

     Finally!!! It's lunch break!!! I'm already scurried from all that hard questions and thinking.

     "Hey, guys!" I wave my hands at Merida, Hiccup and Punzie. They wave in return.

     "Hey, Jack!" Hiccup says, smiling. "How's the test?" he asks.

     "It's so hard but luckily, I remembered some of it" I say as I walk towards them. "How about you?"

     "Well, same to you" he says.

     "It's fine for me" Merida pipes up.

     "Yeah, me too!" Rapunzel exclaims excitedly. "Wait, where's Elsa?" she asks "AGAIN" she added. I shrug.

      Elsa haven't been hanging out with us too. She doesn't eat with us now. But we always saw her eating with dark elemental students. A guy wuth a black hair and pale skin, a girl with pale skin and long black hair and another girl with dark lips and short black hair.

     When we got to the cafeteria, I see Elsa talking seriously with the girl with short hair while walking towards a seat. We walk  to the cafeteria lady (is this what they're called?) to buy our foods then after, we search for empty seats and eat our lunch there.

Elsa's POV

      "Really Mavis. The ring still hasn't came. The book says that it'll come to you itself but it didn't. Maybe that spell didn't worked" I stated while walking towards our table with our trays, slightly irritated.

     "Don't worry, it will" she assures.

     "I doubt that"

     Then she utters an exagerrated sigh. "Okay, why don't we just tell Marceline and Marshall about this so maybe they can help"

     "I don't know. I think they will only flirt" I say in disapproval

     "Elsa, I know those two. They flirt--- all the time. But when they get serious, they act like they don't know each other. They probably can help" then she look back at our way and then when we got to our table, we sat on the chairs.

My Frozen Feelings (TUFH II)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें