...You never loved me back

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Jack's POV

     When we got to Arendelle, Anna went rushing to Elsa, well it's part of the plan. I just passed the two of them and went inside the castle then went to the ballroom. Hiccup , Merida and Rapunzel are already waiting for me.

    "Hey guys~ Sorry I'm late" I smiled while waving my hands at them. They smiled back at me. And then we started planning.

     After planning, we decided to decorate right now. We told some of the castle's servants and guards about this so that someone can give a hand of what we're doing. I told Merida and Hiccup to start making invitations and send it to the other kingdoms. Now, Rapunzel and I are the only one left in the ballroom. We told some servants about the food they're gonna make.  After that, Rapunzel and I started decorating the ballroom. I made a snowman on every corner of the ballroom, that looked like Olaf , and I also add a flurry on top so it wouldn't melt. Then after, we changed the curtains. Rapunzel said that she'll be doing it with a ladder. I was kinda worried that maybe she'll fall so I just held the ladder.

     She was climbing when she suddenly slipped on her hair. I tried to catch her but too late ,she already fell on top of me. We both fell. I closed my eyes for a second then opened it. Rapunzel was above me with her arms supporting her body.

    "Are you okay?"  I asked her while patting her head. She smiled and nodded. We stared at each other and laughed. Then suddenly, Elsa came in the ballroom and saw us. We stood up and looked at her.

     Then tears went falling down her cheeks. "Elsa?" I walked towards her as she moved back.

     "Dont come near me" she said. She turned her back and was about to run away again but I quickly grabbed her hand, making her look at me. Then she slapped my right cheek hard. Then she ran away.

      When Elsa was finally out of sight, Rapunzel patted my back. "Sorry Jack but you need to catch up with Elsa, she misunderstood what she saw" I looked at her and nodded. Then I flew outside. I know where to find her. In her room. I went outside and went  to Elsa's window. I looked through her window and saw Elsa crying. I knocked on her door and slowly opened it. She quickly stood up and asked me coldy, "what are you doing here?"  as I went inside.

     "Elsa... what you saw doesn't mean anything"  I said while furrowing my eyebrows.

     "Get out" she said but I just continued walking slowly to her and didnt respond. "I said... GET OUT!" she yelled while pointing her finger at the window.

     "No Elsa let me explain" I said and I accidentally tripped on something. I fell on the ground , I pushed Elsa to the ground intentionally with me. I stood my arms to support my body and to trap Elsa between my arms.

    "I loved you Jack but..." she said while looking at me and then looked at the side. "You never loved me back" . My eyes went wide .

     "No. I love you and I always will" I said then she tried to push me back but she failed. I held her hands to the ground so she couldn't move. She struggled but I tightened my grip more.

     "Ow!" then she looked at me.I just stared at her. "Jack! you're hurting me! stop it!" she yelled at me but I didnt cared and just looked at her straight in the eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows , avoided my gaze and tears went rolling down her cheeks then closed her eyes.

     "Elsa, I love you" I said but she didnt respond. "...Say you love me too"  I let go of her other hand and turned her face to me. I kissed her and she kissed me back while tears rolling. She turned her face again to the other side and I kissed her neck. I kept kissing her neck until she whispered, "Stop" . I looked at her. She is still crying.

     "I love you" I said, she didnt respond. "I love you" I repeated. "Elsa..."  I whispered. "say ...you love me too" Tears are filling my eyes and I tried to hold it back from falling. She still didn't respond. I slowly got up and went outside her window.

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