Talk with some dark elemental students

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Sorry I haven't updated for a while ,guys. I've been having a hard time thinking. Maybe this book'll end in 3-6 chapters? I don't know. Just keep reading~

Elsa's POv

     I came back to my dorm from our classroom, gloomy. It's because I haven't found the ring yet! I've searched almost everywhere in the campus but still nothing.

     I came back, already dark outside.  Merida and Rapunzel are already snoring. I quickly lied on my bed, worn out. My eyes are already heavy and I wanna sleep. I closed my eyes until I doze off.


     "Elsa..." Rapunzel shook my shoulders.

     "Mhm.... What?" I mumbled with my eyes closed.

      "Wake up, we already took our baths, it's your turn" then I slowly stood up.

     "Okay" sounding half-asleep. And then I took a bath.

     While having a shower, I looked at my fingers. "Where actually did I put my ring? now to think of it, that ring is kinda big for my finger, maybe it accidentally fell... or maybe..... someone stole it? But how did they stole it, when it's always on my finger?"  then I quickly finished my bath then wore my uniform and went back to the girls.

     "I'm done" I smiled at them and they smiled back.

     "Okay, let's go?" Merida asked. I nodded.

     "Yeah, sure"  I said as I took my bag from my bed. We went outside and saw Hiccup leaning on the wall, already waiting for us.

     "Oh, you ready?" Hiccup looked at us. I gazed at Hiccup's back. Seeing if Jack was with him but he wasn't. Sigh. Maybe he's already in the classroom.

     We went our respective classrooms. I was walking all alone because we have different directions towards our room. Then I suddenly remembered how Jack used to walk with me to our classroom, how he used to play tricks, how he used to tell me jokes, how he used to kiss me, how he used to say he loves me , and how he used to say that he will always be on my side no matter what happens.


     When I finally got to my classroom, I quickly took my seat. I gazed all around the room ,trying to search for Jack but he wasn't here. I became kinda worried, is he sick?

     Since our professor still hasn't come, I took this chance to get out of the room and went to his dorm. When I got there, he isn't there. There isn't really a lot of places in the campus that he standbys. Well, we hung out in the school yard and garden, that's it.

      So I went to the school yard, he wasn't there. I went to the garden, and finally I saw him lying on the grasses, watching the sky. I awkwardly sat beside him without looking at him.

      "Uhh... Jack?" he didn't respond. "Hey" I looked at him in the corner of my eye. He didn't respond so I let out a huge sigh.

      "Jack, I know what I had done was....." I looked down. "...unforgivable" I continued. "'cause maybe,  if you were the one who lost the ring, I'd totally get mad" I confessed. "But.... please just give me more time, I'm definitely gonna find it" I looked at him. He didn't looked like he's listening to me. I was about to say sorry but the bell rang.

     I jolted up and asked him, "Let's go back to our classroom, Jack?" I reached out my hands for him, he didn't even looked at me. I was kinda hurt about him avoiding me. I mean not kinda but totally. I quickly turned my back and then ran back to the campus without saying anything to him. I can feel tears filling my eyes.

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