"What was that?"  She whispered, looking around.  Nobody else had seemed to notice. 

"Your fiancé and his friends are having their bachelor party," Mary offered, "do you think-"


A voice rang out from the crowd, everybody turning just in time to see a hand rising up and grasping the railing of the deck.  The girls all gasped and backed away, waiting to see what would pull itself up.  It was then when a young man Molly recognized as John Watson pulled himself up, his face half streaked with red face paint. 

"Hello ladies," he said with a grin that looked more wicked than friendly.  Everybody froze to see what he would do next.  Through the silence Molly could suddenly hear something that sounded similar to more people climbing up the deck. 

Everyone was still until a voice rang out amidst the tense silence.

"We're being attacked!"  Molly opened her mouth to assure people that they weren't being attacked but the girls all dispersed in fits of shrieks and drunken giggles.  John let out a deep laugh and launched himself almost animal-like off of the railing, growling at the girls that scattered past.  They all just laughed and shrieked some more as more hands began to reach up.

Molly reached for Mary, "what should we do?"  She asked, half panicked.  Mary just tossed her head back and laughed.

"Have fun and run!" She turned behind her and, cupping her hands around her mouth, screamed, "ladies!  There are water balloons and guns on the deck!"  With that Mary took off, John following closely behind her.  Molly raised an eyebrow as Mary led him off of the deck, not without grabbing a handful of water balloons, and into the clearing.  The glow sticks wrapped around her stuck out boldly against the darkness and Molly could see John's apparently glow-in-the-dark face paint chasing after Mary.

Molly stumbled back as a girl streaked past her, followed by someone from Sherlock's bachelor party.  Her heart raced in what Molly couldn't identify.  Maybe anticipation, maybe fear, maybe excitement.  Probably all.

Her eyes flicking around wildly, Molly watched as the deck slowly cleared and people poured onto the clearing.  It had become one giant game of glow-in-the-dark tag, apparently.  Molly smiled softly to herself, however it quickly disappeared when she looked to her side and saw someone perched on the deck, watching her carefully.  Her heart quickened rapidly.

"Hello, my dear," Sherlock growled.  He wore an unbuttoned, white dress shirt that revealed his pale, but admittedly toned, stomach and tan pants as well as the same bright face paint John had worn, though his was a bright yellow, dotting under his left eye and streaking down his nose.

Molly had frozen in her place, debating whether or not she should follow suit and take off.  Her answer came, however, when a feral smile made its way on Sherlock's face and he uttered one word.


With a small gasp Molly took off, thankful for her decision not wear a dress that night.  She could hear Sherlock land lightly behind her and Molly began to take off down the deck steps, however not before grabbing a few water balloons and the last loaded water gun. 

She could hear Sherlock let out a whoop as he jumped off of the stair railing, landing perfectly in front of Molly.  Hesitating for half a second she pumped the water gun and shot at him just as Sherlock flung a water balloon.  Molly let out a small shriek as it clipped her shoulder and popped on the grass behind her.  She laughed as Sherlock shook his head in an attempt to shake off the water and took off. 

Sherlock let out a growl and took off after her, undoubtedly following Molly's bright glow stick jewelry.  She laughed as she sprinted through the clearing along with many other face paint and glow stick clad people.  She made the mistake of looking back to check if Sherlock was still on her trail and almost stumbled upon seeing he was just about right on top of her. 

Molly jerked right, hesitating briefly as Sherlock stumbled to catch his balance.  She grinned, and without a second thought swerved right into the forest.

"Where are you going?"  She heard Sherlock call from behind her.  Molly let out a sharp laugh and ducked sharply behind a thick tree, crossing her fingers that Sherlock hadn't seen her.

"Come out come out wherever you are," Sherlock said in a singsong voice, creeping around the tree.  Molly slowly slid to the right, looking around for Sherlock's dark, lithe form.  Even with his glow-in-the-dark face paint Molly couldn't make out his form in the blanketing darkness. 

Molly bit her lip, both fear and excitement coursing through her veins.  When she couldn't find Sherlock, Molly turned back around, only to come face-to-face with her fiancé himself.


Molly let out a small shriek and stumbled back against the tree as Sherlock crept in closer, a smile upon his face.  She felt her breath catch in her throat as he pressed a hand on the tree, leaning in closely.  She felt his warm breath on her face and Molly's heart quickened.

"Are you drunk," she finally whispered.  Sherlock let out a sharp laugh.

"Could a drunk me do this?"  Sherlock leaned in, pressing his lips softly to Molly's.  She tilted her chin up, Sherlock's skin addictive.  She pulled back, seeing that her arms had wrapped around Sherlock's neck, pulling him closer.

"We're getting married tomorrow," Molly whispered.

"We're getting married tomorrow," Sherlock whispered back, a smile on his lips as his hands wrapped around her waist.  Molly let out a shaky breath, letting her head rest on Sherlock's bare chest.  He placed his chin on top her head and Molly closed her eyes.

They were still for a moment, their breathes synchronized.  Sherlock took Molly's face in his hands, watching her with curious eyes.  She stood on her tippy toes and placed a small kiss on Sherlock's lips.  He gave her a small smile and leaned down, kissing Molly deeply.  She exhaled sharply, her eyes closing as she breathed in Sherlock's warmth.  He pulled back, letting his lips hover over Molly's.  He tilted his head to the side, as if curious.

"Are you ready?"

Molly grinned into his skin, "are you?"

Sherlock looked at Molly, his eyes suddenly serious.  He kissed Molly once more with a power that surprised her, whispering in her ear once he pulled back:

"More than you'll ever know."

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