"I can't. I'm sorry Dorian."

"But it's not possible to be in the Fade and here unless I'm dreaming."

"I'm sorry." Cole said, changing tactics. "You're right. I made a mistake. I'm always making mistakes. I have to go now."

Dorian was speechless as Cole hurried away from him as fast as he could. What in bloody blazes was all that about? It wasn't possible to be in the Fade and here at the same time. Was it?

He made his way back to the castle at a leisurely pace, his mind racing. There used to be Dreamers in the world, those who could shape the world and the Fade, using only the power of their thoughts. Among humans, they had been feared for a Dreamer could enter the minds of others to kill or drive mad. Before Arlathan fell, many of the elven leaders had been powerful Dreamers.

Yet despite their power, Dreamers were rare. The only one he knew who might be considered a Dreamer by ancient standards, was Solas. He didn't know if Solas could enter the minds of others, but he could certainly enter the Fade whenever he chose.

A shiver ran up his spine at the thought that a Dreamer might be at work in Skyhold. Since Solas was the only one he knew who might qualify, the elf's recent behaviour changed from being merely suspicious to ominous. What made it worse, was Cole's belief that Dorian was here and in the Fade. It wasn't possible though, was it?

Unnerved by the idea, he headed for the library in Skyhold's basement. He already knew there was nothing on Dreamers in the tower library. Not only that, but if Solas could enter someone else's dreams, he was in no hurry to be anywhere near the elf.


After delivering some food to Hawke and Fenris, I left to speak with Varric.

"Inquisitor." He greeted. "Just the man I was looking for. I finished writing the latest chapter of Swords and Shields. Wanna tag along when I deliver it?"

I'd completely forgotten about his book and though I knew the business with Hawke was important, I didn't want to miss this. I needed a feel-good moment.

"Wouldn't miss it." I smiled, falling into step beside him as he headed for the practice yard.

"What have you done now?" Cassandra growled at Varric, getting to her feet as we approached.

"I get it Seeker." Varric drawled. "You're still mad about our spat earlier."

"I'm not a child Varric. Do not suggest I am without reason." She retorted.

"I bring a peace offering." He said, holding the book out to her. "The next chapter of Swords and Shields. I hear you're a fan."

"This is your doing." She growled, turning to me.

"Oh yes." I smiled. "Do you really think I'd miss this?"

"Well," Varric drawled, turning to go. "If you're not interested, you're not interested. Still needs editing anyhow."

"Wait!" She cried.

Varric stopped, turning back to her with a smile on his lips. "You're probably wondering what happens to the Knight-Captain after the last chapter."

"Nothing should happen to her! She was falsely accused!"

"Well it turns out the guardsman..."

"Don't tell me!" She barked, snatching the book from his hand.

Varric sighed. "This is the part where you thank the Inquisitor. I don't usually give sneak peaks after all."

Cassandra turned to me, the book held protectively to her chest. "I... thank you."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now