3: Herald of Andraste

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Herald of Andraste

The air in Haven was crisp and cold, but not yet freezing. Winter had yet to settle over the land, but it was coming. My hands were chilled and I wished to warm them by a fire before I continued my exploration of the area. Heads turned and conversation stilled as I entered and made for the bar. A bard began to sing, filling the silence my entrance had prompted and conversation slowly returned.

The woman behind the bar smiled at me in greeting and asked if I needed anything. I ordered a hot rum to chase away the chill, but she refused my coin when I tried to pay for it.

"I can't take that milord." She protested. "You saved us by sealing the hole in the sky."

"Surely you can't refuse coin out here?"

"Only yours, Your Grace." She replied nervously. "Your coin is no good here. I won't profit from the chosen of Andraste, real or no."

"Have it your way then." I said, pocketing my silver. "If you won't take my money, perhaps you would give me your name?"

"But of course. I am Flissa. Lady Nightingale asked me to come here to run this tavern. I had nowhere else to go, so I accepted."

"Do you want to be here?"

"As things stand milord, I can think of no place safer at the moment."

"I see your point. Very well, I shall leave you to your work. Thank you for the drink."

"Anytime Your Worship."

I cringed at the title as I left the tavern, catching sight of Varric as I stepped back outside.

"There you are." He said as I approached. "So tell me. Now that Cassandra isn't glued to your side, how are you feeling?"

"Confused." I admitted. "I still think this is all just a dream. Or a really bad joke."

"I know the feeling."

"So what's your story Varric? Why are you here?"

"Technically I was a prisoner like you when I arrived. I was in Kirkwall when the Circle fell. Cassandra thought I should tell my story to the Divine in person. Luckily for me we hadn't yet reached the Temple when it exploded."

"But you're not a prisoner now. Why stay?"

"After seeing all that red lyrium at the site of what remains of the Temple, I think I need to see this through."

"I take it you know something about red lyrium?"

"Not enough to be much help." He grumbled. "I first encountered it on an expedition my brother launched into the Deep Roads. But even then it was only a small piece, encased in an idol we found. As far as I knew, it was the only red lyrium in existence."

"You don't seem to like it much." I observed.

"Regular lyrium is dangerous, but you have to ingest it for it to become a problem. The red stuff causes problems just being near it. You hear voices, music - it can bring inanimate objects to life and cause madness. So no, I don't."

I smiled at him. "Well I won't keep talking about it then. Red lyrium, bad. Got it."

Varric chuckled. "You know for a hero, you remind me of a close friend. It's a little comforting actually."

"A friend?"

"Someone I met in Kirkwall." He hedged, clearly uncomfortable. "Perhaps we could talk about it later? I'm sure you have other things to do."

"Of course Varric. I'll talk to you later."


After speaking with the blacksmith, I moved on to Cassandra and Cullen. She was hitting a target dummy with her sword and muttering under her breath as I approached. Seeing me, she straightened and sheathed her weapon.

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