9: Inquisitor

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After fleeing the battlefield and reaching the relative safety of the Chantry, he felt his heart still when the Herald failed to join them.

"We can't just leave him!" He argued, echoing Varric as Cassandra scowled at them.

"We don't have a choice Dorian." She reminded them. "The Herald is who Corypheus wants. He said he would buy us time to escape. I will respect his wishes."

"So you're just going to abandon him?"

"Look mage, I don't know why he agreed to let you stay. But he did. Don't throw away what he's given us by sacrificing yourself. If you have any faith at all, trust in the Maker to see him safely returned to us."

Dorian clenched his teeth as she spoke. Much as he hated her words, he knew she meant only to remind him of what was important. But it didn't mean he had to like it.

On that Varric agreed with him, but even he fell into step behind Cassandra as she led them out of Haven.


It had been hours since they'd set up camp. They'd come through a narrow passage in the mountains and settled in a small, sheltered clearing. He was beside himself with regret and recriminations. He should have stayed. He should have gone back to help the Herald. Without him, those he travelled with had already begun to slip back into looking at him with suspicion and dislike. He wouldn't be able to remain without the Herald's support. Andraste's flaming ass, but he had made yet another mistake he couldn't fix.

It was then he heard the Herald's advisors shouting.

"There he is!" Cassandra cried.

"Thank the Maker." Cullen said.

"Quickly, get him into the camp." Leliana advised. "He's injured and needs healing."

Dorian heard it all and felt his breath catch at the mention of healing. Why? What had happened to him? He itched to ask someone or offer his assistance, but knew he would be turned away. Grumbling to himself, he dug out a small flask of whisky he'd been saving and drank deeply while he and everyone else waited for the Herald to recover.

The Dawn Will Come

The Herald

After resting for several hours, I spoke to Solas. Soon after, we set out to find a stronghold he called Skyhold he assured me was there for the taking.

The ancient stronghold Solas had described didn't do the place justice. Before us lay a massive, fortified castle, complete with a long defensible bridge, towers, barracks, a tavern and stable. Once we were inside the walls of the stronghold, my advisors called me over and asked if I would be the leader of the Inquisition.

"This was a unanimous decision?" I asked, surprised by their confidence and faith in me.

"It was." Cassandra confirmed. "We need a leader, someone to guide us in the days ahead. Who better than the one who has already been leading us through this chaos?"

Humbled, I raised the sword they offered me skyward while those who had joined our cause gathered below and cheered my acceptance of the title of Inquisitor. "I do this because it is right." I said loudly. "And to bring order back to all of Thedas."

We made our way inside where the castle had clearly seen better days. Broken floorboards, shattered glass and rotted furniture lay strewn about the main hall.

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