Merrill blushed and offered a deep curtsy as though she were greeting a king. "Oh! Goodness! You're much taller than I expected." She said, her voice tremulous. "It's an honour to meet you, Your Worship."

"The pleasure is mine Merrill." I said, smiling to put her at ease. "Any friend of Varric's is someone I'm always happy to meet."

"You're nice." She said, giving me a small smile. "Not like the stories at all."

I shared a look with Varric, who blushed and ducked his head. "What stories are those?"

"Oh! I said something wrong again didn't I?"

"It's okay Daisy." Varric told her. "He's nothing like the stories."

"I don't suppose any of them are yours?" She teased.

"Ahem. Uh, maybe? Besides, you know how stories are Daisy. They tend to take on a life of their own."

Merrill smiled knowingly. "Sure I do. Like those ones you used to tell about Hawke killing a dragon single-handed. Or the one where you say she's fat and covered in food all the time."

"Those are just details Daisy. Hawke is larger than life. I had to do something to make her more believable. If I said she was beautiful and deadly, people wouldn't want to read my stories."

"So a fat Hawke is better?" She asked, curious.

"It's okay if you don't get it Daisy." He said. "You were there. You know what really happened and who Hawke really is, that's all that matters."

"I suppose." She agreed. "Have you heard from her Varric? I heard she went into the Fade. Fenris was most upset when he heard. It must have been very frightening."

"How'd you hear about that?" He demanded.

"Oh! On the road here. All the traders are talking about it. Every caravan arriving at Kirkwall from Skyhold are always trading stories on the road. Helps to pass the time."

"Well at least people are talking." I said, sharing another look with Varric.

He laughed. "True enough Inquisitor. I suppose there is a bright side. As to your question Daisy, I have heard from her. She and Fenris are on their way back from Weisshaupt Fortress."

"Really?" I said, interrupting. "Why are they coming here? I thought she'd gone to help the Gray Wardens?"

"She told them what happened at Adamant. Then Fenris caught up to her. I'm not sure what he said or what happened next, but the result is they're coming here. And before you ask, no, she didn't say why."

"Oh, that's exciting!" Merrill exclaimed. "I've missed her so much. I can't wait to see her again."

"I'm sure she's missed you too Daisy."

"Well I should get going." I said, leaving them to their conversation. "It was nice meeting you Merrill. I'll let the two of you catch up and we can talk later."

"Oh of course!" She beamed. "That would be nice. Perhaps we could talk in the garden next time? I heard it's quite beautiful."

"Sure Merrill." I said, nodding. "Varric."



Now what had all that been about? He stood in the library in the exact same place he'd been in when Nathaniel had asked about "later." He was shocked by what he'd said to him. It hadn't been at all what he'd wanted to say, yet those words had flown from his lips as though propelled by something else entirely.

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now