"The one your mom sent is still my favorite." She beamed staring at the white orchids next to her bed, still in disbelief about their new reality.

It took for Hamdan to tell the story of what happened while she was in a coma, at least three times for her to start believing it was true and fathom on everything Sheikha Hind had said.

He intertwined her fingers with hers. "I asked her not say anything about our plans until we talk to your parents. I don't want to do anything without their blessing."

"I'm sure we will get it, don't worry." She reassured squeezing his hand. "Listen, about that, with everything that has happened I was wondering if we could keep things simple. I know I said I would go with the flow but now I don't think I would be comfortable with a gigantic wedding."

"Good. I prefer simple too and I'm sure everybody will understand."

"And about the date..." She shifted in the bed. "I completely forgot that your birthday is in November! Should we push the wedding back to December?"

Hamdan's face fell. "What? No! My birthday is only one day! Who cares?"

"I care!"

"Well, then we can move the date to October, not push it back."

Sarah narrowed his eyes at him. "I thought that everything my heart desired--"

"Yes. After we're married, not before." He warned with his index finger pointing at her. "So October it is."

At that moment she decided to not discuss the date again or they could end up getting married the next month.

He smiled as his eyes traveled down on her. "Hey, what happened to your sexy gown?"

"Ugh! I asked mom to bring me these. I'm done with that robe or whatever, and hospitals and doctors!" Sarah rolled her eyes. "I don't want to see a doctor ever again."

"Hopefully you won't have to until you're pregnant."


He was truly an specialist at dropping shock bombs when she least expected it. In a matter of seconds, she was getting married one month earlier and getting pregnant. Life with Hamdan was going to be anything but dull, that was for sure.

"What? We'll just have ten kids." He waved his hand carelessly.

"No, we won't!" She corrected.


"Because I don't want to spend the rest of my life pregnant!"

"Come on..." He leaned in with puppy eyes and kissed her shoulder. "Can you blame me for wanting to have an army of mini us with you?"

"You know I do want to have kids, but my mom struggled for years and years and didn't get pregnant until I came along and that was when they had given up already."

Hamdan straightened up with a serious face.

She pushed her hair behind the ear before continuing. "Sometimes I fear that the same thing might happen to me and here you are wanting to have an army of children."

He scooted closer to her. "I don't know if I can have children, I've never tried to, same as you, but I want to marry you anyways." He held her chin to make her look up. "Do you want to marry me even though I can't guarantee that I can have children?"

A smile played on her lips. "Yes."

"If we can't get pregnant then we'll just have fun trying!" He winked and made her chuckle. "And we can always adopt."

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