17. Trust

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Hamdan called her name as soon as he got through the door.

"In here!" Sarah replied from the majli.

He hurried up when he saw her petite figure in the dimly lit room and locked his arms around her, burying his face into her neck. For the first time during that day, he breathed a sigh of relief and started to unwind a little. He didn't want to let go and apparently she didn't either, as they stood comfortably hugging each other.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting," he said without changing position. "It's past midnight and I—"

Sarah pulled apart, held his face with her hands and shushed him with a peck on the lips. "It's fine." 

She held his hand and led them to the nearest oversized ottoman to take a seat. 

"How are you?" She asked worriedly.

Hamdan exhaled, took his headscarf off and ran his fingers through his hair two times. "I'm okay, it's just that... everything brought back so many memories."

"Of your brother," she guessed.

He nodded, staring at the scarf between his hands and saw his knuckles turn white as his grip tightened. Sarah quickly wrapped her hands around his.

"It's not that I'm not sad about my grandmother," he admitted wistfully. "But she got to live a long, happy life. She even got to meet her great-grandchildren. What more could you ask for, right?" He turned to Sarah and she blinked in understanding. "But Rashid... I don't know... I guess his death will never make any sense to me."

Sarah laid her hand on the back of his head and scratched his hair lovingly. He turned his face until his lips found her palm and slowly kissed it. Everything he needed at the moment he could find in Sarah's eyes, she was the only person he felt comfortable opening up to. With her, there was no need to put a brave face, either way, it seemed like he could not hide anything from Sarah, nor did he wanted to. There was nothing he wished more than for Sarah to be the same way with him, he wanted to be that person for her, but he was very well aware that she was still holding her guard up.

She angled her head. "Do you want some gahwa? I can make one of the best coffees ever."

"You can?" He asked.

Sarah raised her eyebrows. "Well, don't act so surprised!" She stood up and walked to the door. "Where's the kitchen?"

He followed her, laughing.

Once they got there, Hamdan leaned on the door frame of the pantry and watched Sarah stroll around, running her fingers through the food on the shelves. She was wearing a grey sweater, dark skinny jeans and brown knee-high boots, her soft curls covered most of her back. At that moment, he decided that it was how he preferred her hair to be.

"With that kitchen and this pantry, anything is possible," she sighed. "Are you sure you just want coffee?"


"Bummer," she mumbled.

"But you can eat anything you want."

"No... I ate more than enough at Abby's bridal shower. So, how do you like your coffee?" She asked gazing at the spice cabinet. "Cardamom, saffron, cloves?"

"You really know how to make it," he acknowledged.

She looked at him with an exaggerated gasp. "Did you think I was bluffing?" She shook her head. "I don't bluff."

He laughed, again, and wondered how she managed to make him feel that way after such a long and sorrowful day.

"Cardamom and saffron," he finally replied.

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