37. More

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Hamdan left looking rather somber that morning. He had not talked much since Sarah came back from the doctor's office the day before. At first, his face lit up when he saw her without the crutches, her healing process had gone incredibly well and the doctor gave the okay to start putting weight on the injured foot, although the splint had to remain in place at all times, except for sleeping or showering. Riding horses was still not allowed, but getting rid of the crutches was a big step. As she kept telling Hamdan about what the doctor said, she could distinguish the exact moment his expression changed. She was sure it was the second he became aware of her imminent departure. In her mind she was already planning on when to leave but after that, she did not have the heart to bring the subject to the table.

Living with him had been more than nice. Hamdan and all the people she met during her stay, had gone out of their way to make her feel welcome. The best part of it all being spending so much time together, of course. Seeing each other everyday, waking up next to him, dinner every night, long talks before sleeping. She cherished the little routine they had developed, but not a day had gone by in the four weeks she had spent there, that she didn't remind herself that it was all temporary.

Sarah was sitting in bed, putting the splint back on over the skinny jeans she was wearing, when she got the call letting her know that Salem had arrived. She only grabbed her phone, put it in the back pocket and whistled for Rooster to come with her. Ismail went to get the main door and she told him that her dog would be outside, playing while she was gone. She did not have time to say good-bye to Rooster as he ran off chasing after a gazelle. After one month he seemed still hopeful to catch up to one of them.

Salem was waiting in the car for her and she cheerfully opened the passenger side door and got in. "Morning, boss!"

He looked at her over his sunglasses. "Why do I have the feeling that I'm getting in trouble for this?"

"What? No!" She waved carelessly. "You're just doing me a huge favor and as a thank you, I can tell you a new joke..." Sarah hinted.

"Don't!" He warned with a hand up in front of her. "I'll take you to the stables, all I ask in return is no more jokes."

"Fine," she shrugged.

Salem made a U-turn and started driving to the main gate.

"Does Hamdan know about this?" He wondered once they were out of the property.

Sarah puffed. "Why should he? I don't have to tell him everything I do."

"But he doesn't know?" Salem insisted.

"It wasn't brought up in the conversation," she lied, as she deliberately kept the plan to herself.

Salem groaned and shook his head. "Where is he?"

"At the camel races."

The car came to a stop at a red light.

He angled his body towards her. "Sarah, you're not riding."

She had not quite made up her mind about what she was going to do once she saw Princesa, but she had to agree with Salem in order to get to the stables.

"I know! Of course I'm not! I only want to say hi to Princesa and everyone else. I miss you guys. Don't you miss me?" She asked, tilting her head and pouting.

Salem groaned again and didn't say another word for the rest of the ride. Once they got to the stables, they parted ways Salem went to his office and she headed to Princesa's stall talking to a couple of staff members about her broken foot on her way there. Sarah called the mare's name as soon as she walked in and Princesa popped her head out of the stall with her ears pointing forward.

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