46. Gone

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The scorching draft hit her as the automatic glass doors opened and she stepped outside to the pick-up/drop-off area. The Dubai heat put Texas' to shame. Sarah immediately wished she could change her jeans for something more fresh and light. She looked both sides to the long line of cars through people and baggage coming and going and hurried up once she spotted Erin's car.

Erin waved and Sarah opened the door to the back seat to put her bags in.

"Hey!" They greeted each other.

"How was your flight?" Erin asked once Sarah took a seat next to her on the passenger side.

Sarah leaned in to hug her friend.

"Argh. Long, boring, exhausting," Sarah complained, putting the seat belt on. "I'm just happy they let me back in the country."

"Why wouldn't they?"

Sarah had forgotten that only Tom knew about the encounter she had with Sheikh Mohammed. The entire trip she wondered if Hamdan's father had vanned her from getting back into the Emirates.

Sarah dismissed the question by shaking her head. "Nevermind."

"Where to?" Erin asked as she started driving.

"Nad Al Sheba," Sarah's stomach turned. She had never been more nervous to see Hamdan. Since she decided to come back, she tried to play out the scenario of what would happen, thought about things to say but it was hard to come up with anything when she had no idea how he was doing and what he was thinking.

Erin stopped at a red light, traffic was heavy. "Is he there?" She asked.

"I have no idea." Sarah admitted, pulling the sun visor down to look in the mirror. "Ugh! I look like hell!" She opened her bag and fetched for some wet wipes to freshen up her worn out face.

"Your cell phone!" Erin recalled as the cars started to slowly move again. "It's down there in my handbag."

Sarah looked down and besides Erin's bag on the floor there were magazines, loose papers, empty food packages and other sort of garbage.

"I'll never understand how your apartment can be so clean and your car so dirty," Sarah said, pulling her friend's bag from the trash can at her feet.

"I had to have a flaw, you know?" Erin shrugged with both hands on the wheel. "Oh! But I forgot to charge it!"

"Awesome," Sarah replied sarcastically, holding her dead phone up.

"There are charges over there," Erin pointed to the glove compartment.

Sarah opened it and a mass of tangled up chords erupted from inside, along with more trash, make-up and a hair brush. "Jeez! Erin!" She protested.

"Hey! For someone who's been asking so many big favors lately, you're sounding way too critical," Erin pointed out.

Sarah started to untangle the chargers. "Oh! How's my baby?" She suddenly remembered Rooster.

"That sadness from the first few days vanished, but I'm sure he still misses you," Erin assured her.

Sarah's heart clenched. Poor Rooster had been through a lot lately. "I'll pick him up as soon as I can."

She managed to pull the charger she needed for her phone and shoved the mass of chords back into the glove compartment. They started moving faster as they took the highway, she gave her phone a few minutes to recharge after plugging it in. Her feet were moving impatiently as she wondered if there were any messages from Hamdan waiting for her. That could help her get an idea of what was going on with him. She turned it on and waited as more notifications kept popping up. When she went to check her Instagram and messaging app there was nothing.

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